Vaporeon is a Water-type Pokémon and one of the eight possible evolutions of Eevee. It has a sleek aquatic appearance and is known for its ability to manipulate water.

National Pokedex No: 0134 |
Type: |
Category: Bubble Jet Pokémon |
Height: 1.0 m (3′03″) |
Weight : 29.0 kg (63.9 lbs) |
Gender: 87,5% ♂, 12,5% ♀ |
Abilities/Hidden abilities: Water Absorb/Hydration |
Physical Characteristics
Vaporeon, a Water-type Pokémon, boasts several distinct physical characteristics. Its body is primarily covered in a sleek, light blue fur, which helps streamline its movements underwater. The fur is resistant to water absorption, ensuring that Vaporeon remains agile and swift while swimming.
One of Vaporeon’s most notable features is its large, expressive eyes, which are a vibrant blue color. These eyes allow it to see clearly underwater, aiding in navigation and hunting. Additionally, Vaporeon has long, elegant ears that resemble those of a rabbit or a fennec fox. These ears can swivel independently, allowing Vaporeon to pinpoint sounds from various directions.
Another prominent feature of Vaporeon is its tail, which is broad and fin-like in shape. This tail fin serves as a powerful propeller, providing Vaporeon with exceptional swimming capabilities. Its tail fin also aids in maintaining balance and stability while navigating turbulent waters.
Vaporeon’s limbs are well-developed and muscular, enabling it to move swiftly both in and out of the water. Its front paws are equipped with sharp claws, which are useful for gripping onto rocky surfaces or capturing prey.
Overall, Vaporeon possesses a sleek, hydrodynamic body that is perfectly adapted for life in aquatic environments. Its physical attributes make it a formidable swimmer and hunter in the vast oceans and rivers of the Pokémon world.
Vaporeon is known for its calm and composed demeanor, often exhibiting a serene disposition in various situations. Despite its imposing appearance and powerful abilities, Vaporeon tends to avoid conflict whenever possible, preferring peaceful resolutions over confrontation.
In its natural habitat, Vaporeon is an adept swimmer, gracefully navigating through bodies of water with remarkable agility and speed. It can often be observed gliding effortlessly beneath the surface, utilizing its tail fin to propel itself forward with precision.
Despite its aquatic nature, Vaporeon is not solely restricted to water environments. It is equally comfortable on land, where it moves with a fluid grace reminiscent of its aquatic movements. Vaporeon’s adaptable nature allows it to seamlessly transition between terrestrial and aquatic habitats, making it a versatile Pokémon capable of thriving in diverse ecosystems.
In terms of social behavior, Vaporeon is known to be highly loyal and protective of its companions, forming strong bonds with those it trusts. It is particularly affectionate towards its Trainer, often displaying signs of affection such as nuzzling or licking as a means of expressing its loyalty and devotion.
Vaporeon is also known to be a compassionate Pokémon, showing concern for the well-being of others and offering support whenever needed. Whether it’s comforting a distressed teammate or assisting in rescue operations, Vaporeon demonstrates empathy and understanding towards those in need.
Overall, Vaporeon’s behavior is characterized by its gentle and caring nature, making it a beloved companion to Trainers and a respected member of aquatic ecosystems alike.
Vaporeon is one of the seven possible evolutions of Eevee, a unique Pokémon known for its ability to evolve into various forms depending on certain factors. To evolve Eevee into Vaporeon, specific conditions must be met, typically involving the use of an evolution-inducing item or exposure to a particular environment.
The primary method of evolving Eevee into Vaporeon involves the use of a Water Stone, an evolution-inducing item found in the Pokémon games. When an Eevee is exposed to a Water Stone, it undergoes a rapid transformation, evolving into Vaporeon. This method provides a straightforward and reliable means of obtaining Vaporeon in the games.
In addition to using a Water Stone, Eevee can also evolve into Vaporeon through other means. In some Pokémon games, Eevee may evolve into Vaporeon when leveled up near a specific location, such as a body of water or a beach. This method reflects Vaporeon’s affinity for aquatic environments and highlights the importance of its natural habitat in its evolution process.
In terms of lore and mythology within the Pokémon world, the evolution of Eevee into Vaporeon is often associated with the influence of water-related elements or mystical forces. This connection to water symbolism further emphasizes Vaporeon’s aquatic nature and its close relationship with the element of water.
Overall, the evolution of Eevee into Vaporeon showcases the versatility and adaptability of Eevee as a Pokémon species. By harnessing the power of evolution-inducing items or environmental factors, Trainers can unlock the potential of Eevee and witness its transformation into the majestic aquatic Pokémon known as Vaporeon.
Anime Main Appearances
Vaporeon first appeared under Rainer’s ownership in “The Battling Eevee Brothers” where it became a target in Team Rocket’s plot.
During the Pokémon League Admissions Exam in “The Ultimate Test”, Ash encountered a Vaporeon and battled it using a Meowth, but Vaporeon prevailed with Ice Beam. In “Mewtwo Strikes Back” and its remake, Fergus’s Vaporeon was cloned by Mewtwo, with the clone reappearing in “Mewtwo Returns”. Sumomo, one of the Kimono Sisters, owns a Vaporeon, showcased in “Trouble’s Brewing” and “Espeon, Not Included” where it defeated Misty‘s Poliwhirl with Aurora Beam.
In “On Olden Pond” Galea’s nimble Vaporeon aids Ash in training Corphish. Ursula’s Eevee evolves into a Vaporeon for the Sinnoh Grand Festival in “Last Call — First Round!”. Virgil’s male Vaporeon joins his team in “Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad!” and later triumphs against Ultimo’s Crustle.
A Vaporeon evolves from one of three Eevee in “Mystery on a Deserted Island!” using a Water Stone. In “Turning Heads and Training Hard!” a wild Vaporeon assists Ilima’s Eevee in performing Extreme Evoboost. Kiley’s Vaporeon competes in the Marine Athletic Race in “On Land, In the Sea, and to the Future!” defeating a Huntail alongside Chloe’s Eevee.
Anime Minor Appearances
Throughout various episodes and movies, Vaporeon made appearances in the Pokémon Theme Park (”Pikachu’s Vacation”), under Cassidy and Butch’s control (”Pikachu Re-Volts”), sensing disturbances caused by Lawrence III, and competing in events like the Fire and Rescue Grand Prix (”The Fire-ing Squad!”).
It was showcased evolving from Eevee in demonstrations by Gary (”Johto Photo Finish”) and Brock (”A Bite to Remember”), owned by Lola (”A Family That Battles Together Stays Together!”), Coordinator (”Deceit and Assist”) and seen in ”Giratina and the Sky Warrior”, ”To Train, or Not to Train!” (at the Eevee Evolution Lab) and ”This Could be the Start of Something Big!”.
Various Vaporeon appeared in the fantasies:
- ”Tag Team Battle Inspiration!” (in Shauna’s fantasy)
- ”On Land, In the Sea, and to the Future!”
- ”Must Be Our Heroes and the Witch!”
A Trainer’s Vaporeon appeared in the episodes:
- ”Pokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias” (participiated in the Tour de Alto Mare, another seen in the fountain)
- ”I Choose You!” (injured and seen in the Pokémon Center)
- ”The Power of Us”
- ”Battling on the Wing!” (seen watching the Manalo Conference battles)
- ”Restore and Renew!”
Manga Appearances
The Electric Tale of Pikachu
In “To Evolve or Not to Evolve, That is the Question!”, Rainer’s Vaporeon engaged in a battle against Ash’s Pikachu but was swiftly overcome.
Magical Pokémon Journey
In this manga one Vaporeon appeared in ”The Master Plan… for Romance!”.
Pokémon Adventures
Red, Green & Blue arc – A unique Eevee with the ability to switch between its evolved forms, including Vaporeon, was captured by Red and named Vee. With the aid of stones provided by Giovanni, Vee could evolve and devolve rapidly.
Yellow arc – Vaporeon was featured in Yellow’s imagination regarding evolution through Evolution stones.
Emerald arc – Vaporeon was spotted at the Battle Pike.
HeartGold & SoulSilver arc – Vaporeon was owned by one of the Kimono Girls.
X & Y arc – Vaporeon made an appearance in a daydream involving Sylveon.
Pokémon Pocket Monsters
In this manga Vaporeon appeared in ”Seize The Unmanned Power Plant!!”, ”Clefairy Evolves… At Last?!” and ”Curry Showdown! Which is the Most Delicious?” (participated in the curry cooking competition).
Pokémon Zensho
In the third chapter of this manga, PZ04, Vaporeon was seen in a fantasy.
Game data
Game version | Location |
Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon Yellow | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon Crystal | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire | Trade |
Pokémon FireRed and Pokémon LeafGreen | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon Emerald | Trade |
Pokémon Colosseum | Trade |
Pokémon XD | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon Platinum | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon Black and Pokémon White | Trade |
Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon X and Pokémon Y | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon Omega Rubya and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! | Evolve Eevee |
Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield | Lake of Outrage, Giant's Mirror |
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl | Evolve Eevee |
Legends Arceus | Space-Time Distortion |
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet | Tagtree Thicket, Asado Desert, Casseroya Lake, North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), North Province (Area Three), East Province (Area One), East Province (Area Two), East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Four), South Province (Area Five), South Province (Area Six), West Province (Area One), West Province (Area Two), West Province (Area Three), Glaseado Mountain, South Paldean Sea |
Vaporeon's origin name
English: Vaporeon’s name is derived from the combination of “vapor,” which refers to the gaseous form of water, and “eon,” a suffix shared by all Eeveelutions, likely derived from “eon,” meaning a long period of time. This name reflects Vaporeon’s association with water and its aquatic characteristics.
Japanese: シャワーズ (Shawāzu) – The Japanese name “Shawāzu” is derived from the English word “shower,” referring to a brief fall of rain or snow, which relates to water, and the “zu” suffix, similar to “eon” in English, indicating an evolution.
French: Aquali – The French name “Aquali” combines “aqua,” meaning water, with the suffix “-li,” which is a common suffix for Eeveelutions in French.
German: Aquana – The German name “Aquana” combines “aqua,” meaning water, with the suffix “-ana,” used for all Eeveelutions in German.
Spanish: Vaporeon – The Spanish name remains unchanged from the English name, “Vaporeon.”
Italian: Vaporeon – Similar to Spanish, the Italian name remains unchanged from the English name, “Vaporeon.”
Korean: 샤미드 (Shamid) – The Korean name “Shamid” is similar to the Japanese name “Shawāzu,” and it’s a transliteration of the English word “shower.”
Chinese (Simplified): 水伊布 (Shuǐ Yībù) – The Chinese name “水伊布” translates to “Water Eievui,” with “水” meaning water and “伊布” being the Chinese name for Eevee.
Chinese (Traditional): 水伊布 (Shuǐ Yībù) – The Traditional Chinese name is the same as the Simplified Chinese version.
These names maintain the theme of water and evolution, emphasizing Vaporeon’s affiliation with water-related elements and its status as an evolution of Eevee.