Steel type

In the Pokémon world, Steel-type is one of the eighteen elemental Pokémon types that Pokémon and their moves can have.
The Steel type in Pokémon is known for its defensive prowess and resilience, representing metallic and mechanical attributes.
They are often depicted as metallic, robotic, or armored creatures. They possess high defense stats and are resistant to many types of attacks, reflecting their sturdy and durable nature.
Several legendary and mythical Pokémon belong to the Steel type or possess Steel-type characteristics. Examples include Dialga, the Temporal Pokémon, and Registeel, the Iron Pokémon.
Steel type characteristics
Steel type Pokémon possess several strengths and weaknesses in battles, making them both versatile and vulnerable depending on the situation.
Steel-type Pokémon have excellent defensive capabilities, making them resistant to common types of physical attacks.
Steel-type Pokémon are resistant to Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Dragon, Fairy, and Steel-type moves, making them versatile and difficult to defeat.
Steel-type Pokémon are immune to poisoning, providing additional protection in battles.
Steel-type moves encompass a wide range of offensive and defensive techniques, including powerful attacks like Iron Head and defensive moves like Iron Defense.
Steel-type Pokémon are vulnerable to Fire-type moves, which can exploit their metallic nature and deal significant damage.
Steel-type Pokémon are also weak to Fighting and Ground-type moves, which can bypass their defenses and cause substantial damage.
Steel type chart

Many Steel-type Pokémon are part of evolutionary lines that emphasize their metallic attributes. Notable Steel-type evolutionary lines include Aron-Lairon-Aggron, Magnemite–Magneton-Magnezone, and Beldum-Metang-Metagross.
Steel-type moves encompass a variety of techniques used by Steel-type Pokémon in battles. Some iconic Steel-type moves include Iron Tail, Steel Wing, Meteor Mash, and Flash Cannon, each known for their metallic properties and powerful effects.
In some Pokémon games, Trainers and Gym Leaders specialize in Steel-type battles. These formidable opponents utilize Steel-type Pokémon to showcase their defensive strategies and challenge Trainers seeking to test their skills against steel-clad opponents.
Steel type moves
Steel-type moves encompass a variety of metallic and mechanical techniques used by Steel-type Pokémon in battles. These moves showcase the metallic and mechanical prowess of Steel-type Pokémon, allowing them to dominate battles with their sturdy defenses and powerful offensive capabilities.
Concluding with Generation IX, there are a total of 39 Steel-type moves, constituting 4.17% of all moves (excluding conditional Steel-type moves). This places Steel-type moves as the 8th most common type, situated between Fire and Poison.
Before Generation IV, all offensive Steel-type moves were primarily physical, although they may now possess special attributes based on the specific attack.
Move | Category | Contest | Power | PP | Accuracy | Generation |
Iron Tail | Physical | Cool | 100 | 15 (max 24) | 75% | II |
Metal Claw | Physical | Cool | 50 | 35 (max 56) | 95% | II |
Steel Wing | Physical | Cool | 70 | 25 (max 40) | 90% | II |
Doom Desire | Special | Beautiful | 140 | 5 (max 8) | 100% | III |
Iron Defense | Status | Tough | — | 15 (max 24) | —% | III |
Metal Sound | Status | Clever | — | 40 (max 64) | 85% | III |
Meteor Mash | Physical | Cool | 90 | 10 (max 16) | 90% | III |
Bullet Punch | Physical | Tough | 40 | 30 (max 48) | 100% | IV |
Flash Cannon | Special | Beautiful | 80 | 10 (max 16) | 100% | IV |
Gyro Ball | Physical | Cool | — | 5 (max 8) | 100% | IV |
Iron Head | Physical | Tough | 80 | 15 (max 24) | 100% | IV |
Magnet Bomb | Physical | Cool | 60 | 20 (max 32) | —% | IV |
Metal Burst | Physical | Cool | — | 10 (max 16) | 100% | IV |
Mirror Shot | Special | Beautiful | 65 | 10 (max 16) | 85% | IV |
Autotomize | Status | Beautiful | — | 15 (max 24) | —% | V |
Gear Grind | Physical | Clever | 50 | 15 (max 24) | 85% | V |
Heavy Slam | Physical | Tough | — | 10 (max 16) | 100% | V |
Shift Gear | Status | Clever | — | 10 (max 16) | —% | V |
King's Shield | Status | Cool | — | 10 (max 16) | —% | VI |
Anchor Shot | Physical | 80 | 20 (max 32) | 100% | VII | |
Corkscrew Crash | Physical | — | 1 (max 1) | —% | VII | |
Corkscrew Crash | Special | — | 1 (max 1) | —% | VII | |
Double Iron Bash | Physical | 60 | 5 (max 8) | 100% | VII | |
Gear Up | Status | — | 20 (max 32) | —% | VII | |
Searing Sunraze Smash | Physical | 200 | 1 (max 1) | —% | VII | |
Smart Strike | Physical | 70 | 10 (max 16) | —% | VII | |
Sunsteel Strike | Physical | 100 | 5 (max 8) | 100% | VII | |
Behemoth Bash | Physical | 100 | 5 (max 8) | 100% | VIII | |
Behemoth Blade | Physical | 100 | 5 (max 8) | 100% | VIII | |
G-Max Meltdown | Physical | — | 3 (max 4) | —% | VIII | |
G-Max Meltdown | Special | — | 3 (max 4) | —% | VIII | |
G-Max Steelsurge | Physical | — | 3 (max 4) | —% | VIII | |
G-Max Steelsurge | Special | — | 3 (max 4) | —% | VIII | |
Max Steelspike | Physical | — | 3 (max 4) | —% | VIII | |
Max Steelspike | Special | — | 3 (max 4) | —% | VIII | |
Shelter | Status | — | 10 (max 16) | —% | VIII | |
Steel Beam | Special | 140 | 5 (max 8) | 95% | VIII | |
Steel Roller | Physical | 130 | 5 (max 8) | 100% | VIII | |
Gigaton Hammer | Physical | 160 | 5 (max 8) | 100% | IX | |
Hard Press | Physical | Tough | — | 15 (max 24) | —% | IX |
Make It Rain | Special | 120 | 5 (max 8) | 100% | IX | |
Spin Out | Physical | 100 | 5 (max 8) | 100% | IX | |
Tachyon Cutter | Special | 50 | 10 (max 16) | —% | IX |
Steel type abilities
Steel-type Pokémon possess a variety of abilities that complement their sturdy and resilient nature. Here are some notable Steel-type abilities commonly found among these metallic creatures:
Sturdy: This ability allows a Pokémon to withstand a single direct attack that would otherwise knock it out, leaving it with at least 1 HP. Sturdy is particularly useful for ensuring a Pokémon survives a powerful attack, providing an opportunity to retaliate or switch out.
Bulletproof: Pokémon with Bulletproof are immune to ball and bomb moves, such as Bullet Seed and Bomb Ball. This ability offers valuable protection against projectile-based moves, enhancing the Pokémon’s defensive capabilities.
Clear Body: Clear Body prevents the Pokémon’s stats from being lowered by the moves or abilities of its opponents. This ability helps maintain the Pokémon’s offensive and defensive prowess by negating stat-reducing effects from opposing moves or abilities.
Light Metal: Pokémon with Light Metal have their weight halved, reducing the damage taken from certain moves such as Low Kick and Grass Knot, which base their power on the target’s weight. Light Metal increases the Pokémon’s survivability against weight-based attacks.
Heavy Metal: The opposite of Light Metal, Heavy Metal doubles the Pokémon’s weight, making it susceptible to weight-based moves but potentially boosting the power of certain moves like Heavy Slam and Heat Crash. Heavy Metal enhances the Pokémon’s offensive capabilities in specific situations.
Heatproof: Heatproof reduces the damage taken from Fire-type moves by 50%. This ability provides valuable resistance against one of Steel-type Pokémon’s primary weaknesses, allowing them to withstand Fire-type attacks more effectively.
Magnet Pull: Pokémon with Magnet Pull prevent Steel-type opponents from fleeing or switching out, effectively trapping them in battle. This ability is particularly useful for preventing Steel-type Pokémon from escaping, enabling the user to capitalize on type advantages.
Analytic: Although not exclusive to Steel-type Pokémon, Analytic increases the power of a Pokémon’s moves by 30% if it moves last in a turn. This ability encourages strategic play and rewards slower-paced battles, allowing the Pokémon to deliver more potent attacks.
These Steel-type abilities enhance the defensive, offensive, and strategic capabilities of Steel-type Pokémon, making them formidable contenders in battles and contributing to their overall versatility and resilience.

Steel type Pokémon Trainers
Steel-type Pokémon Trainers typically possess certain characteristics that reflect the nature of their chosen Pokémon.
Steel-type Trainers often display a deep understanding of mechanics, technology, and metallurgy. They are skilled engineers or scientists, fascinated by the intricacies of machinery and the strength of metal. These Trainers exhibit discipline and resilience in their training methods and battles. They value hard work, dedication, and perseverance, reflecting the sturdy and enduring nature of Steel-type Pokémon.
Steel-type Trainers are known for their strategic prowess and analytical mindset. They carefully plan their moves in battles, capitalizing on the defensive capabilities and offensive potential of Steel-type Pokémon. Steel-type Trainers often employ a versatile battling style, blending defensive strategies with offensive tactics. They utilize a combination of sturdy Steel-type Pokémon and complementary movesets to adapt to various opponents and situations.
Defense is a key aspect of Steel-type battling, and these Trainers prioritize strategies that enhance their Pokémon’s defensive capabilities. They often utilize moves like Iron Defense and abilities like Sturdy to withstand attacks and outlast opponents.
Steel-type Trainers respect strength and resilience in both themselves and their Pokémon. They value determination, reliability, and the ability to overcome challenges, embodying the indomitable spirit of Steel-type Pokémon. Before battles, Steel-type Trainers meticulously prepare their Pokémon, ensuring they are equipped with the right moves, held items, and strategies to emerge victorious. They leave nothing to chance and approach battles with careful planning and foresight.
Notable Steel-type Pokémon Trainers are:

The Gym Leader of Olivine City’s Gym
Generation II, IV
Jasmine is the Gym Leader of Olivine City in the Johto region. She specializes in Steel-type Pokémon and is known for her calm demeanor and nurturing approach to her Pokémon.

Steven Stone
Champion of the Hoenn region’s Pokémon League
Generation III, VI
Steven is the Champion of the Hoenn region (Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver)and a skilled Trainer specializing in Steel-type Pokémon. He is known for his strategic prowess and deep understanding of Steel-type Pokémon, often seen as a mentor to aspiring Trainers.

The Gym Leader of Canalave City’s Gym
Generation IV, VIII
Byron is the Gym Leader of Canalave City in the Sinnoh region. He specializes in Steel-type Pokémon and is known for his tough and disciplined training regimen, as well as his strong bond with his Pokémon.

Pokémon researcher and the second boss of Team Plasma
Generation V
A scientist and former Team Plasma member, Colress specializes in researching Pokémon strength and technology, often utilizing Steel-type Pokémon in his experiments.

The Gym Leader of Azalea Town’s Gym
Generation VI
Wikstrom is one of the Elite Four members in the Kalos region‘s Pokémon League. He specializes in Steel-type Pokémon and is known for his chivalrous demeanor and formidable battling skills.

Member of the Alola Elite Four (Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon)
Generation VII
This Pokémon Trainer specializes in Steel-type Pokémon and later joins the Alola Elite Four in Alola region, in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.

President of the Macro Cosmos conglomerate, chairman of Galar PL
Generation VIII
Chairman of the Galar region‘s energy conglomerate and a powerful figure in Pokémon battles, Rose utilizes Steel-type Pokémon to reflect his industrial influence and strategic prowess.

Pokémon Trainer in The Crown Tundra
Generation VII
An adventurer and father of Peonya, Peony traverses the Crown Tundra in Galar, training and battling with sturdy Steel-type Pokémon.

Member of the Elite Four of the Paldea region
Generation IX
A rising star in the Pokémon battling scene, Poppy showcases her skill with Steel-type Pokémon, demonstrating both finesse and resilience in her battles.

Student, a president of the student council, member of the BB League Elite Four
Generation IX
A Steel-type Pokémon Trainer known for her elegant and precise battling style, Amarys commands a team of powerful Steel-type Pokémon with grace and determination.
Overall, Steel-type Pokémon Trainers embody traits of technical expertise, discipline, and strategic thinking, reflecting the resilient and versatile nature of Steel-type Pokémon.
Steel type Pokémon
Ending with Generation IX, there are a total of 85 Steel-type Pokémon species in the Pokémon universe. This includes both pure Steel-type Pokémon and dual-type Pokémon that have Steel as one of their types.
Pokedex No | Pokémon picture | Pokemon name | Type |
#0027 | ![]() | Alolan Sandshrew | ICE STEEL |
#0028 | ![]() | Alolan Sandslash | ICE STEEL |
#0050 | ![]() | Alolan Diglett | GROUND STEEL |
#0051 | ![]() | Alolan Dugtrio | GROUND STEEL |
#0052 | ![]() | Galarian Meowth | STEEL |
#0081 | ![]() | Magnemite | ELECTRIC STEEL |
#0082 | ![]() | Magneton | ELECTRIC STEEL |
#0205 | Forretress | BUG STEEL | |
#0208 | Steelix | STEEL GROUND | |
#0208 | Mega Steelix | STEEL GROUND | |
#0212 | ![]() | Scizor | BUG STEEL |
#0212 | ![]() | Mega Scizor | BUG STEEL |
#0227 | Skarmory | STEEL FLYING | |
#0303 | Mawile | STEEL FAIRY | |
#0303 | Mega Mawile | STEEL FAIRY | |
#0304 | Aron | STEEL ROCK | |
#0305 | Lairon | STEEL ROCK | |
#0306 | Aggron | STEEL ROCK | |
#0306 | Mega Aggron | STEEL | |
#0374 | Beldum | STEEL PSYCHIC | |
#0375 | Metang | STEEL PSYCHIC | |
#0376 | Metagross | STEEL PSYCHIC | |
#0376 | Mega Metagross | STEEL PSYCHIC | |
#0379 | Registeel | STEEL | |
#0385 | Jirachi | STEEL PSYCHIC | |
#0395 | Empoleon | WATER STEEL | |
#0410 | Shieldon | ROCK STEEL | |
#0411 | Bastiodon | ROCK STEEL | |
#0413 | Wormadam (Trash Cloak) | BUG STEEL | |
#0436 | Bronzor | STEEL PSYCHIC | |
#0437 | Bronzong | STEEL PSYCHIC | |
#0448 | Lucario | FIGHTING STEEL | |
#0448 | Mega Lucario | FIGHTING STEEL | |
#0462 | Magnezone | ELECTRIC STEEL | |
#0476 | Probopass | ROCK STEEL | |
#0483 | Dialga | STEEL DRAGON | |
#0483 | Dialga (Origin Forme) | STEEL DRAGON | |
#0485 | Heatran | FIRE STEEL | |
#0530 | Excadrill | GROUND STEEL | |
#0589 | Escavalier | BUG STEEL | |
#0597 | Ferroseed | GRASS STEEL | |
#0598 | Ferrothorn | GRASS STEEL | |
#0599 | Klink | STEEL | |
#0600 | Klang | STEEL | |
#0601 | Klinklang | STEEL | |
#0618 | Galarian Stunfisk | GROUND STEEL | |
#0624 | Pawniard | DARK STEEL | |
#0625 | Bisharp | DARK STEEL | |
#0632 | Durant | BUG STEEL | |
#0638 | Cobalion | STEEL FIGHTING | |
#0649 | Genesect | BUG STEEL | |
#0679 | Honedge | STEEL GHOST | |
#0680 | Doublade | STEEL GHOST | |
#0681 | Aegislash (Shield Forme) | STEEL GHOST | |
#0681 | Aegislash (Blade Forme) | STEEL GHOST | |
#0705 | Hisuian Sliggoo | STEEL DRAGON | |
#0706 | Hisuian Goodra | STEEL DRAGON | |
#0707 | Klefki | STEEL FAIRY | |
#0777 | Togedemaru | ELECTRIC STEEL | |
#0791 | Solgaleo | PSYCHIC STEEL | |
#0797 | Celesteela | STEEL FLYING | |
#0798 | Kartana | GRASS STEEL | |
#0800 | Necrozma (Dusk Mane Necrozma) | PSYCHIC STEEL | |
#0801 | Magearna | STEEL FAIRY | |
#0805 | Stakataka | ROCK STEEL | |
#0808 | Meltan | STEEL | |
#0809 | Melmetal | STEEL | |
#0823 | Corviknight | FLYING STEEL | |
#0863 | Perrserker | STEEL | |
#0878 | Cufant | STEEL | |
#0879 | Copperajah | STEEL | |
#0884 | Duraludon | STEEL DRAGON | |
#0888 | Zacian (Crowned Sword) | FAIRY STEEL | |
#0889 | Zamazenta (Crowned Shield) | FIGHTING STEEL | |
#0957 | Tinkatink | FAIRY STEEL | |
#0958 | Tinkatuff | FAIRY STEEL | |
#0959 | Tinkaton | FAIRY STEEL | |
#0965 | Varoom | STEEL POISON | |
#0966 | Revavroom | STEEL POISON | |
#0968 | Orthworm | STEEL | |
#0983 | Kingambit | DARK STEEL | |
#0990 | Iron Treads | GROUND STEEL | |
#1000 | Gholdengo | STEEL GHOST | |
#1018 | Archaludon | STEEL DRAGON | |
#1023 | Iron Crown | STEEL PSYCHIC |
Overall, Steel-type Pokémon are renowned for their defensive capabilities, resilience, and versatility in battles, making them valuable allies and formidable adversaries in the world of Pokémon.