Slowpoke is a Water/Psychic-type Pokémon, known for its slow and easygoing nature. It evolves into Slowbro starting at level 37 or Slowking when traded while holding a King’s Rock. Slowpoke is often depicted as being absent-minded and is famous for its leisurely movements and sometimes absentminded demeanor.
Physical Characteristics
Slowpoke is a quadrupedal Pokémon known for its unique appearance.
Slowpoke’s body is coated in smooth, light pink skin. It has a slightly rounded belly, emphasizing its relaxed demeanor. The limbs are short but sturdy, allowing it to move on land and swim in water. The light pink hue of Slowpoke’s skin is consistent across its body. It has small, rounded markings on its face and limbs, adding subtle details to its appearance.
The head is disproportionately large compared to its body. Slowpoke’s eyes are round and often half-closed, giving it a perpetually drowsy appearance. Its facial expression is characterized by a perpetual smile.
A Shellder clamps onto Slowpoke’s tail, and this attachment is mutualistic in nature. Shellder feeds on Slowpoke’s sweet-tasting tail, and in return, Slowpoke gains enhanced psychic abilities upon evolution.
Slowpoke is of medium size, standing about 3 feet tall on average. The proportions of its limbs and body contribute to its overall endearing and laid-back look. Slowpoke’s physical traits align with its reputation for taking life at a leisurely pace, and its appearance reflects the tranquil nature of this Water-type Pokémon.
Galarian form
Galarian Slowpoke is a regional variant of Slowpoke native to the Galar region. It has a predominantly yellow color scheme with light cream-colored markings. Its tail, instead of being a Shellder, appears to be chewed on or bitten, adding a unique twist to its appearance.
Galarian Slowpoke has adapted to the unique environment of the Galar region, influencing its coloration and physical features.
Galarian Slowpoke has a crown of yellow, pointed spines on its head, giving it a distinctive and regal appearance.

Slowpoke is known for its extremely slow and laid-back behavior. It moves and reacts to stimuli at a leisurely pace. Often found lounging near bodies of water, particularly along the edges of rivers and lakes, where it can dip its tail into the water while remaining mostly stationary.
Slowpoke’s tail is frequently dipped into the water, attracting Shellder, which eventually evolves into a Slowbro when it clamps onto the tail. Its seemingly vacant expression and unhurried movements give it an appearance of being unaware or oblivious to its surroundings.
Slowpoke’s dreamy and absent-minded nature is reflected in its slow reactions, making it sometimes oblivious to danger. Despite its slow nature, Slowpoke can have sudden bursts of alertness, especially when it smells food. It may react more swiftly when hungry.
Slowpoke possesses latent psychic abilities. It can use these powers for defense, often unintentionally, when threatened.
Galarian Slowpoke, native to the Galar region, exhibits behaviors influenced by its unique environment, showcasing a variation in traits compared to other Slowpoke variants.
Slowpoke’s behavior, marked by its slow and easygoing demeanor, adds charm to its character, making it an iconic and endearing Pokémon in the Pokémon world.
Slowpoke evolves into Slowbro starting at level 37. This evolutionary change occurs when Slowpoke reaches a specific level of experience and triggers the transformation. Slowpoke gains experience points through battles and other activities. Upon accumulating enough experience to reach level 37, it undergoes a natural evolution into Slowbro.
The key factor in Slowpoke’s evolution into Slowbro is the involvement of Shellder. The Shellder attaches itself to Slowpoke’s tail during the evolution, causing both Pokémon to transform.
The evolutionary process results in Slowbro gaining enhanced psychic abilities. The Shellder’s presence amplifies Slowpoke’s latent psychic powers, leading to increased potency in its psychic moves. Slowbro’s evolution provides it with a substantial boost in defense. The Shellder’s attachment not only enhances Slowpoke’s psychic capabilities but also provides a protective shield, making Slowbro more resilient in battles.
Slowpoke starts as a dual Water/Psychic-type Pokémon and maintains this typing upon evolving into Slowbro. The combination of Water and Psychic types contributes to a versatile movepool and strategic advantages in battles.
Another evolution option for Slowpoke is Slowking. This occurs through a trade, making the evolutionary process unique and reliant on player interactions. To evolve Slowpoke into Slowking, the trade must involve the presence of a King’s Rock item. The act of trading, combined with the King’s Rock, triggers the transformation.
Slowking, like Slowbro, is a Water/Psychic-type Pokémon. The evolution into Slowking further refines its psychic abilities, showcasing a different manifestation compared to Slowbro’s evolution.
Slowpoke’s ability to evolve into Slowking via trade reflects the importance of social interactions and cooperation among Pokémon Trainers. This unique method adds an element of camaraderie to the evolutionary journey of Slowpoke.
Galarian form evolution
Galarian Slowpoke evolves into Galarian Slowbro in the Galar region. This evolution is triggered by using an item called the Galarica Cuff on Galarian Slowpoke. When Galarian Slowpoke holds the Galarica Cuff, it evolves into Galarian Slowbro.
Galarian Slowpoke also has the option to evolve into Galarian Slowking. Unlike the traditional Slowking evolution, the Galarian Slowpoke must hold a different item called the Galarica Wreath. Trading Galarian Slowpoke while it holds the Galarica Wreath will lead to its evolution into Galarian Slowking.
Anime Main Appearances
In ”The Evolution Solution”, Professor Westwood V possesses a Slowpoke. While seeking answers on Slowpoke’s evolution, Ash and friends turn to the professor for assistance at Seafoam Island. They discover that Slowpoke evolves into Slowbro when a Shellder clamps onto its tail, a mystery that had been puzzling Professor Oak. Slowpoke underwent evolution after Jessie‘s caught Shellder latched onto its tail.
Other appearences include:
- ”A Shadow of a Drought” (Azalea Town residents regard Slowpoke as sacred, believing in legends that suggest Slowpoke’s yawning has the power to summon rain.)
- ”A Crowning Achievement” (Several Slowpoke attempted to access a King’s Rock to evolve into Slowking, aiming to locate a more suitable habitat. Alice Telesu’s Slowpoke, known as Arthur, underwent evolution into Slowking after a Shellder bit its head while wearing the King’s Rock.)
- ”Slowking’s Crowning!” (Multiple were residents of Slowpoke Island), ” An Evolution in Taste!” (reappearence)
Anime Minor Appearances
In “Island of the Giant Pokémon” Ash‘s stranded Pokémon sought help from a Slowpoke, leading to its evolution into Slowbro. Slowpoke sightings span various episodes, including ”Pikachu’s Vacation”, ”Primeape Goes Bananas”, ”Clefairy Tales”, and ”Flower Power”.
Notably, a Slowpoke in ”Pikachu’s Rescue Adventure” played a vital role during a storm. Lola owned a Slowpoke in “A Family That Battles Together Stays Together!”. In “The Island Whisperer!” a Slowpoke evolved into Slowbro. Galarian Slowpoke debuted in “Grabbing the Brass Ring!” and a Slowpoke aided Eevee’s sleep-inducing strategy in “Heroes Unite!”.
A Slowpoke appeared in a fantasy in the episodes EP035 (banned episode), ”The Totodile Duel”, ”Grating Spaces!” (owned by Lola), ”The Keystone Pops!” and ” Must Be Our Heroes and the Witch!”.
Multiple Slowpoke appeared in the espiodes:
- ”Showdown at the Po-ké Corral” (living at the Laboratory of Professor Oak)
- ”The Power of One” (disturbed by Lawrenec III)
- ”Enlighten Up!” (in a flashback)
- ”Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence!” (five of them)
- ” I Choose Paradise!” (three of them were seen at Pokémon Paradise Resort)
A Trainer’s Slowpoke appeared also in the following epsodes:
- ”Mewtwo Strikes Back” (defeated by Mewtwo)
- ”Hook, Line, and Stinker” (participated in the Seaking Catching Competition)
- ”Dueling Heroes” (participated in the Whirl Cup)
- ”Alola to New Adventure!” (two of them, one owned by Trainer)
- ”A Shocking Grocery Run!”
- ”Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!”
- ”A Young Royal Flame Ignites!” (Two Trainers’ Slowpoke)
- ” Securing the Future!” (four of them, two owned by different Trainers)
- ”The Power of Us”
- ”League Offenders and Defenders!” (Two Trainers’ Slowpoke)
- ”Battle Royal 151!” (participated in the Battle Royal preliminary round of the Manalo Conference)
- ”Battling on the Wing!” (Two Trainers’ Slowpoke)
- ”Exhibition Unmasked!” (Two Trainers’ Slowpoke)
- ”From Z to Shining Z!” (seen watching the battle between Ash’s Pikachu and Tapu Koko)
- ”Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution” (seen at the Old Shore Wharf)
- ”Legend? Go! Friends? Go!”( participated in the Raid Battle against Lugia)
- ”The Cuteness Quotient!”
- ”Aim For The Eight!”
- ”Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!”
- ”The Fiery Road to Mastership!” (two of them)
Manga Appearances
The Electric Tale of Pikachu
In “Ash vs. Gary” Ash captured a colossal Slowpoke. He traded it to Gary for a photo of May, only to discover later that the Slowpoke had evolved into a Slowbro.
Magical Pokémon Journey
A Slowpoke appeared in the episodes ”How Do You Do, Pikachu?” and ”The First Labor of Pikachu”.
Pokémon Adventures
Slowpoke first appeared in “Wake Up—You’re Snorlax!”, under the ownership of a Swimmer involved in the bike race along Route 11.
In various instances, Slowpoke played different roles.
In “Sigh for Psyduck”, multiple Slowpoke were used by Koga’s Gastly. Al of the Team Rocket Elite Trio controlled a Slowpoke in “The Coming of Slowpoke (Eventually)”. Swimmer Akinori lent his Slowpoke to Yellow for a surfing contest in “Breath of the Dragonair Part 1”. In “Ursaring Major”, a herd of Slowpoke in Azalea Town had their tails cut off by Team Rocket, affecting the Slowpoke Well. Gold helped one yawn, restoring water flow. In “A Flaaffy Kerfuffle” Slowpoke was part of Professor Oak’s fantasy about Trainers having six Pokémon.
One joined a fight in Ilex Forest (“The Last Battle XIII”), another participated in a Pokéathlon (“Out-Odding Oddish”). A Trainer’s Slowpoke was featured in a tournament (“The Decision and the Tournament of Six”). In another episode, a frozen Slowpoke was discovered in the Trophy Room on Aether Paradise (“Ray of Light!! Through the Crack in the Sky!”). Additionally, a Slowpoke was found near Professor Kukui in the Dimensional Research Lab during the Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon arc. Galarian Slowpoke made its debut in “PASS31”, where it ran off with Klara and Avery’s uniforms, and Klara was revealed to own one.
Pokémon Gotta Catch ‘Em All
A Slowpoke appeared in the episodes GDZ21, GDZ26 (Shu captured one) and GDZ30 (in a flashback).
Pokémon Pocket Monsters
In “Curry Showdown! Which is the Most Delicious?”, a Slowpoke participated in a curry cooking competition. It also appeared in “Seize the Dream of One Million Yen!!” and “The Exam Showdown!!”. Giovanni stole a Slowpoke from Kurt to exploit its valuable tail, but Kurt managed to retrieve it before Giovanni could proceed.
Pokémon Zensho
In the fifth chapter of the Pokémon Zensho manga, PZ06, Ash acquired a Slowpoke, along with several other Pokémon, in a trade with a Fisherman. He exchanged it for the Dratini he discovered.
Game data
Game version | Location |
Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue | Route 10, Celadon City, Seafoam Islands, Safari Zone |
Pokémon Yellow | Routes 12 and 13, Seafoam Islands |
Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver | Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls |
Pokémon Crystal | Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls |
Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire | Trade |
Pokémon FireRed | Trade |
Pokémon LeafGreen | Routes 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25, Berry Forest, Bond Bridge, Canyon Entrance, Cape Brink, Celadon City, Cerulean Cave, Cerulean City, Cinnabar Island, Five Island, Five Isle Meadow, Four Island, Fuchsia City, Green Path, Icefall Cave, Kindle Road, Memorial Pillar, One Island, Outcast Island, Pallet Town, Resort Gorgeous, Ruin Valley, Seafoam Islands, Trainer Tower, Treasure Beach, Vermilion City, Viridian City, Water Labyrinth, Water Path, Safari Zone |
Pokémon Emerald | Trade |
Pokémon Colosseum | Trade |
Pokémon XD | Trade |
Pokémon Diamond | Trade |
Pokémon Pearl | Route 205 |
Pokémon Platinum | Route 205 |
Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver | Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls |
Pokémon Black and Pokémon White | Abundant Shrine |
Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 | Abundant Shrine, Trade |
Pokémon X and Pokémon Y | Route 12, Azure Bay |
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire | Mirage Spots |
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon | Routes 1, 15, 16, Kala'e Bay |
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon | Routes 1, 15, 16, Kala'e Bay, Poké Pelago |
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! And Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! | Seafoam Islands |
Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield | Wedgehurst StationVersion (Galarian Form) |
Trade (Kantonian Form) | Evolve Ponyta |
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond | Trade (Kantonian Form) |
Pokémon Shining Pearl | Route 205, Spacious Cave, Grassland Cave, Fountainspring Cave, Dazzling Cave, Riverbank Cave, Still-Water Cavern, Sunlit Cavern, Stargleam Cavern |
Legends Arceus | Unobtainable |
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet | Casseroya Lake, East Province (Area One), East Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Five), West Province (Area Two) |
Slowpoke's origin name
English: The English name “Slowpoke” is a combination of “slow” and “poke.” It reflects the Pokémon’s laid-back and unhurried nature.
Japanese (ヤドン – Yadon): The Japanese name “Yadon” is a combination of the words “Yadoru” (宿る), meaning “to inhabit” or “to dwell,” and “Don” (呆ん), a term used to express a dazed or absent-minded state.
French: In French, Slowpoke is known as “Ramoloss,” which could be derived from “ramolli,” meaning “softened” or “weakened.”
German: The German name for Slowpoke is “Flegmon,” which might be a combination of “Flegel,” meaning “brat” or “rascal,” and “Mon,” short for “Monster.”
Spanish: The Spanish name is also “Slowpoke,” consistent with the English name.
Italian: Similar to Spanish and English, Slowpoke’s Italian name is “Slowpoke.”
Korean (야돈 – Yadon): The Korean name “Yadon” mirrors the Japanese name, emphasizing the dazed or slow nature of the Pokémon.
Chinese (Simplified and Traditional – 呆呆兽 / 呆呆獸): The Chinese name “呆呆兽” (Dāi Dāi Shòu) means “Dumb Beast” or “Foolish Creature,” capturing the essence of Slowpoke’s slow and sometimes clueless behavior.
These names collectively capture the idea of slowness, absent-mindedness, or a gentle, unhurried demeanor associated with Slowpoke. The variations across languages add cultural nuances and linguistic creativity to the Pokémon’s characterization.