
National Pokedex No: 0078 |
Type: |
Category: Fire Horse Pokémon |
Height: 1.7 m (5′07″) |
Weight : 95.0 kg (209.4 lbs) |
Gender: 50% ♂, 50% ♀ |
Abilities/Hidden abilities:
Run Away or Flash Fire/Flame Body |
Physical Characteristics
Rapidash is a Pokémon with the following physical characteristics.
Rapidash has a well-defined, athletic build with a sleek and slender physique. Its body is designed for speed and agility, making it an exceptionally fast runner. The hooves of Rapidash are durable and adapted for running over various terrains. Each hoof is pointed, aiding in its ability to navigate challenging landscapes.
The cream-colored coat of Rapidash is smooth and lustrous, emphasizing its elegance. The coloration may vary slightly among individual Rapidash.
The fiery mane and tail are not only aesthetically striking but also functional. The flames are said to represent the Pokémon’s life force and are an indicator of its health and vitality.
The horn on its forehead is sharp and sturdy, capable of being used in battles It is a distinguishing feature that adds to the majestic appearance of Rapidash. Rapidash’s eyes are keen and expressive, reflecting its spirited and determined nature. The eyes are often described as having a fiery gleam, matching the flames on its mane and tail.
Rapidash is relatively tall compared to many other Pokémon, standing with a graceful posture. Its size contributes to its imposing presence, especially when charging at high speeds.
Galarian form
The Galarian Rapidash is a Psychic/Fairy-type Pokémon. It evolves from Galarian Ponyta when leveled up with high friendship.
Galarian Rapidash has a unique appearance with pastel colors and a majestic, ethereal mane. It also has the ability “Pastel Veil,” which prevents itself and its allies from being poisoned and can also cure the poisoned status when it enters the battlefield.
These detailed characteristics showcase the graceful and powerful design of Rapidash, highlighting its prowess as both a majestic creature and a formidable Pokémon in battles.

Rapidash, as a Pokémon species, exhibits various behaviors, although specific details may not be explicitly defined in the Pokémon franchise. However, based on its portrayal in the games, anime, and other media.
Rapidash is known for its incredible speed and agility. In battles, it is often depicted as swift and capable of executing quick maneuvers. In battles, Rapidash is portrayed as a powerful and fierce combatant. It can use a variety of Fire-type moves, such as Flamethrower and Fire Blast.
Like many Pokémon, Rapidash is shown to form strong bonds with its Trainer, reflecting loyalty and dedication in their partnership.
In the wild, Rapidash may be seen running freely across open fields or prairies. Its wild behavior often aligns with its fiery and free-spirited nature. While not explicitly stated, it can be inferred that Rapidash, like many Pokémon, may exhibit territorial instincts. It might defend its territory if it perceives a threat.
Rapidash is often associated with elegance and grace. Its majestic appearance and fiery mane contribute to this perception. In Pokémon contests or showcases, Rapidash may showcase its beauty and skills. These performances highlight its agile movements and fiery abilities.
Remember that specific behaviors can vary between individual Rapidash, and the portrayal might differ slightly in various Pokémon media.
Rapidash evolves from Ponyta when it reaches level 40. Leveling up is a fundamental aspect of a Pokémon’s progression, symbolizing the accumulation of experience, training, and battles that contribute to its overall development.
In Pokémon games, the level-up evolution mechanic is a standard feature. As a Pokémon gains experience points (XP) through battles, it eventually reaches a specific level at which it evolves into a more advanced form. For Ponyta, this transformative process occurs when it reaches level 40.
The evolution from Ponyta to Rapidash brings noticeable changes to the Pokémon’s appearance. Rapidash is larger, more majestic, and gains fiery, flowing manes. The evolution not only enhances its physical attributes but also signifies its maturity and increased power.
Upon evolution, Rapidash typically experiences an improvement in its base stats. This includes enhancements to its HP (Hit Points), Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. These upgraded stats contribute to Rapidash’s overall effectiveness in battles.
While the level requirement for evolution remains consistent at level 40 for most games, it’s essential to note that specific game versions may introduce variations in evolution mechanics. Some games might have unique conditions, such as friendship levels or specific locations, affecting the evolution process.
Galarian Ponyta evolves into Galarian Rapidash starting at level 40. This evolution marks a significant change in its appearance and abilities. Galarian Rapidash gains the Fairy-type, along with enhanced speed and magical capabilities. Its mane and tail, now resembling colorful, flowing hair, evoke a mystical and elegant aura. This evolution represents the unique adaptation of Galarian Ponyta to the Galar region, showcasing both physical and elemental transformations.
In summary, Rapidash’s evolution from Ponyta is a fundamental aspect of its growth, emphasizing the importance of experience and leveling up in the Pokémon world.
Anime Main Appearances
Rapidash made its first appearance in “The Flame Pokémon-athon!” under Lara Laramie’s ownership. Ash utilized it as a Ponyta in the Big P Pokémon Race, witnessing its evolution into Rapidash and securing victory towards the race’s conclusion.
Other appearences include:
- ”Mewtwo Strikes Back” (Neesha’s Rapidash, captured and cloned by Mewtwo), ”Mewtwo Returns” (reaopeared) and ”Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution” (reappeared)
- ”Johto Photo Finish” (Jon Dickson used a Rapidash when compiting and winning the Silver Conference.)
- ”Heated Battle” (Rapidash summoned by Hoopa.)
- ”The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle!” (Galarian Rapidash debuted in healed by Chloe and Galarian Ponyta) and ”The Sweet Taste of Battle!” (reappeared in a flashback)
Anime Minor Appearances
In various episodes, Rapidash played roles such as in Stella’s circus (”It’s Mr. Mime Time”), lived at Professor Oak‘s Lab (”Showdown at the Po-ké Corral”), appeared in ”Pikachu’s Rescue Adventure” Japanes credits, and featured in characters’ dreams and flashbacks.
Rapidash made appearances in the opening of ”Zoroark: Master of Illusions”, ”I Choose You!”, and more. Kiawe had a ride on a Rapidash in ”Alola, Kanto!”, and it made appearances in ”Legend? Go! Friends? Go!”, ”The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle!” and ”This Could be the Start of Something Big!”.
Multiple Rapidash appeared in the espiodes:
- ”The Power of One” (disturbed by Lawrence III)
- ”Celebi: The Voice of the Forest” (in the opening intro)
- ”Destiny Deoxys”
- ”Odd Pokémon Out!” (residents of Camomile Island)
- ”Giratina and the Sky Warrior”
A Coordinator’s Rapidash appeared in the episodes ”May, We Harley Drew’d Ya!”, ”Mounting a Coordinator Assault!” (participated in the Jubilife Contest), ”Getting the Pre-Contest Titters!” and ”Last Call — First Round!” (participated in the Performance Stage of the Sinnoh Grand Festival with a Girafarig).
A Trainer’s Rapidash Witnessed the Wela Fire Festival in ”A Crowning Moment of Truth!”.
Manga Appearances
The Electric Tale of Pikachu
In this manga Ash used Lara Laramie’s Ponyta in a race after Lara couldn’t compete due to a broken arm. During the race, Ponyta evolved into Rapidash, enhancing its speed and helping Ash secure victory.
Pokémon Adventures
In Pokémon Adventures manga, Blaine utilizes Rapidash as his mount. In Holy Moltres, it transports Red to Blaine’s hidden lab for Aerodactyl’s revival. During an encounter with Mewtwo, Blaine and Rapidash bravely face Psywave, with Rapidash creating a fiery barrier to shield Red from harm.
In ”The Coming of Slowpoke (Eventually)”, the Pokémon Fan Club Chairman owns a unique Rapidash with Pay Day. It later participated in the Ilex Forest fight in ”The Last Battle XIII”. In ”Moving Past Milotic”, Crystal lends her Rapidash to Emerald, showcasing its resilience against Lucy’s Seviper.
Platinum’s Ponyta evolves into a Rapidash in ”Hurrah for Rapidash”, post-Gym battle. Sebastian’s Rapidash team is introduced in ”Well Met, Weepinbell”, pulling his carriage. A Pokéathlon participant owns a Rapidash in ”Out-Odding Oddish”. Bede’s Ponyta evolves into a Galarian Rapidash in ”Rumble!! The Horrific Darkest Day”.
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!
In ”Hareta’s Heart’s Desire”, Flint, a Fire-type Trainer and member of the Sinnoh Elite Four, initiates the battle against Hareta with Rapidash. Utilizing Sunny Day and Solar Beam, it swiftly overpowers Empoleon. However, it succumbs to Hareta’s Regigigas later in the match.
Pokémon Pocket Monsters
Blaine utilized Rapidash in the Pokémon Quiz Battle in ”Fierce Competition at the Pokémon Quiz Battle!!”. A Rapidash also joined a curry cooking contest in ”Curry Showdown! Which is the Most Delicious?”.
Pokémon Zensho
A Rapidash owned by Blaine appeared in the seventh chapter of the Pokémon Zensho manga, PZ08.
Game data
Game version | Location |
Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue | Evolve Ponyta |
Pokémon Yellow | Evolve Ponyta |
Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver | Route 28, Mt. Silver, Pewter City |
Pokémon Crystal | Route 28, Mt. Silver |
Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire | Trade |
Pokémon FireRed and Pokémon LeafGreen | Kindle Road, Mt. Ember |
Pokémon Emerald | Trade |
Pokémon Colosseum | Trade |
Pokémon XD | Citadark Isle |
Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl | Evolve Ponyta |
Pokémon Platinum | Evolve Ponyta |
Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver | Route 28, Mt. Silver |
Pokémon Black and Pokémon White | Route 12 |
Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 | Trade |
Pokémon X and Pokémon Y | Evolve Ponyta |
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire | Evolve Ponyta |
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon | Pokémon Bank |
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon | Pokémon Bank |
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! And Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! | Route 17 |
Pokémon Sword | Trade |
Pokémon Shield | Trade |
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl | Routes 206, 210, 211, 214 and 215, Volcanic Cave, Sandsear Cave, Typhlo Cavern |
Legends Arceus | Evolve Ponyta |
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet | Unobtainable |
Rapidash's origin name
Rapidash’s name in various languages showcases its swift and fiery nature.
English (Rapidash): A combination of “rapid” (meaning fast or swift) and “dash” (a quick run). It reflects Rapidash’s incredible speed and agility.
Japanese (ギャロップ Gallop): Derived from the English word “gallop,” emphasizing its swift and graceful running style.
French (Galopa): Similar to the Japanese name, adapted to French phonetics, maintaining the notion of rapid movement.
German (Gallopa): Similar to the English and French names, highlighting the horse-like galloping motion.
Spanish (Rapidash): Retains the English name, emphasizing its rapid movements.
Italian (Rapidash): Retains the English name, emphasizing its swift and fast-paced nature.
Korean (갈망타 Galmangta): Adaptation of the English word “gallop” with additional Korean phonetics.
Chinese (Simplified) (飞毛大师 Fēimáo Dàshī): Translates to “Flying Hair Master,” possibly emphasizing the fiery mane and its rapid movements.
Chinese (Traditional) (飛毛大師 Fēimáo Dàshī): Similar to the simplified Chinese name, emphasizing rapid movement and the fiery aspects.
These names collectively capture the essence of Rapidash as a fast, fiery, and majestic Pokémon with a graceful running style.