Psyduck is a Water-type Pokémon known for its perpetual headache, which triggers intense psychic powers when exacerbated. It evolves into Golduck, and its appearances in the Pokémon animated series often involve its headache-induced outbursts of powerful psychic abilities. Psyduck has become a recognizable and endearing character in the Pokémon franchise.

National Pokedex No: 0054 |
Type: |
Category: Duck Pokémon |
Height: 0.8 m (2′07″) |
Weight : 19.6 kg (43.2 lbs) |
Gender: 50% ♂, 50% ♀ |
Abilities/Hidden abilities: Damp or Cloud Nine/Swift Swim |
Physical Characteristics
Psyduck has a predominantly yellow body with a cream-colored underside. Its body is characterized by a smooth and streamlined design, resembling a typical duck.
The most distinctive feature is its head, adorned with three tufts of black hair. These tufts are reminiscent of a headache or stress-induced appearance, emphasizing Psyduck’s unique behavior.
Psyduck’s eyes are usually closed, giving it a serene or dazed expression. When it experiences intense headaches or enters a psychic episode, its eyes can widen, revealing a more intense gaze.
Psyduck possesses a flat, broad bill, typical of waterfowl. This bill is adapted for its aquatic lifestyle, aiding in catching prey and foraging in aquatic environments. Psyduck has webbed feet, suited for swimming and navigating aquatic habitats.
Psyduck stands at an average height of around 2 feet, making it a relatively small Pokémon. Despite its small size, Psyduck can exhibit powerful psychic abilities under certain conditions.
Psyduck’s appearance remains relatively simple, but its unique traits come to life through its behavior and abilities.
Psyduck is known for its chronic headaches, triggered by stress or when its psychic powers are building up. During these episodes, Psyduck’s headaches can lead to a surge in its psychic abilities, unleashing powerful moves like Confusion and Psychic.
When not in battle or experiencing headaches, Psyduck often appears dazed and confused. Its eyes remain closed, and it may exhibit absent-minded behavior, making it seem oblivious to its surroundings.
Psyduck is commonly found near bodies of water, especially lakes and rivers. It enjoys swimming and is well-adapted to aquatic environments, using its webbed feet to navigate and its bill for catching aquatic prey.
Psyduck’s Trainer needs to be cautious during its headache episodes, as the unleashed psychic powers can be destructive. Trainers often help Psyduck manage stress to prevent unintended and potentially dangerous psychic outbursts. Psyduck evolves into Golduck when the stress or headache becomes too intense. Golduck, its evolved form, is known for better control over its psychic abilities and a more focused demeanor.
In battles, Psyduck may enter a state of confusion, making its attacks less predictable. Trainers need to be strategic in using Psyduck’s abilities, especially considering its potential power during headache-induced episodes.
Understanding Psyduck’s behavior involves acknowledging its unique combination of psychic powers, water adaptation, and the impact of stress on its overall demeanor.
Psyduck is the initial and unevolved form of this Water-type Pokémon. It is characterized by its small stature, yellow fur, webbed feet, and a distinctive duck-like bill.
Psyduck’s evolution is triggered by intense headaches or emotional stress. These headaches build up Psyduck’s psychic energy and act as the catalyst for its evolution. When the stress or headache becomes too overwhelming, Psyduck typically evolves into Golduck at level 33 in most Pokémon games.
Golduck is characterized by its sleeker design, blue fur, and more humanoid appearance compared to Psyduck. Upon evolving into Golduck, the Pokémon gains better control over its psychic powers. Golduck is known for its proficiency in using psychic-type moves in battles.
Golduck represents the final evolutionary stage for Psyduck; there is no further evolution beyond Golduck in Psyduck’s evolutionary line.
The evolution from Psyduck to Golduck showcases an adaptation to manage the intense psychic energy that builds up during Psyduck’s stressful episodes. Golduck generally exhibits improved stats, enhanced speed, and a broader movepool compared to its pre-evolutionary form, Psyduck.
In summary, Psyduck evolves into Golduck through a transformative process triggered by stress-induced headaches. This evolution results in a more powerful and controlled Pokémon with heightened psychic abilities.
Anime Main Appearances
Misty’s Psyduck
In the episode ”Hypno’s Naptime” Misty initially caught Psyduck near the Cerulean City area. However, Psyduck’s capture was accidental, as Misty intended to catch something else at the time. Misty’s Psyduck became an iconic and beloved character in the Pokémon series, known for its amusing and unexpected contributions to battles.
Other major appearences include episodes like:
- “Bye Bye Psyduck” (Marina owns a strong Psyduck that defeated Misty’s Staryu in battle.)
- “Mewtwo Strikes Back” (A clone of Misty’s Psyduck participated in a battle between clones and originals.)
- “Sitting Psyduck” (Emily’s Psyduck disliked a lavish life.)
- “The Psyduck Stops Here!” (Involved eleven Psyduck living by a pond, initially blocking the path. Ash and friends helped resolve the issue by evicting Muk from Lake Psyduck.)
- ”Raid Battle in The Ruins!” (Shane Seeker’s Shiny Psyduck battled a giant Golurk.)
- “Memories of a Warming Kindness!” (Trainer’s Psyduck aided Chrysa in overcoming depression.)
Anime Minor Appearances
Various Psyduck made appearances across different episodes and scenarios in the Pokémon series, including fantasies, exhibitions, breeding competitions, battles, showcases, and camp activities. It played roles in episodes like “Gonna Rule The School!”, “Once in a Mawile!”, “Sleepless In Pre-Battle!”, ”A Showcase Debut!”, “Summer of Discovery!” (where it participated in Pokémon Summer Camp), and many others.
Psyduck also appeared in showcases, battles, and fantasies across different episodes, showcasing its versatile presence in the Pokémon world. Whether seen in Trainer battles, at laboratories (”Lumiose City Pursuit, Mega-Mega Meowth Madness!, Day Three Blockbusters!”), or in the wild, Psyduck’s presence was notable throughout the series, making it a recognizable and versatile Pokémon.
Multiple Psyduck appeared in the following episodes:
- ”Alola, Kanto!” (at the laboratoy of Professor Oak)
- ” The Power of Us” (owned by Trainer)
- ”Securing the Future!” (one wild and other owned by differenet Trainers)
- ”Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!” (seen watching the Masters Eight Tournament)
- ” Sleuths for Truth!” (four of them)
A Coordinator’s Psyduck appeared in the episodes ”Win, Lose or Drew!” (participiated in the Slateport Contest), ”The Saffron Con” and ”Dawn’s Early Night!” (participiated in a required Double Performance with a Duskull at the Hearthome Contest).
A Trainer’s Psyduck appeared also in the following epsodes:
- “Wired for Battle!” (as an image in Shingo’s laptop)
- “Dueling Heroes” (participiated in the Whirl Cup)
- ”Spontaneous Combusken!”
- ”Beating the Bustle and Hustle!” (participated in the fake Sinnoh Pokémon Hustle set up by Team Rocket)
- ”A Battle by Any Other Name!” (participiated in the Poké Puff Contest)
- ”Summer of Discovery!, Foggy Pokémon Orienteering!” (participated in the Pokémon Summer Camp)
- ”Battling Into the Hall of Fame!” (participated in the Pokémon Summer Camp)
- ”Dreaming a Performer’s Dream!”
- ”A Giga Battle with Mega Results!”
- ”Battling at Full Volume!”
- ”A Shocking Grocery Run!”
- ” The Shape of Love to Come!” (two of them, one owned by Trainer)
- ”A Glaring Rivalry!”
- ”Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence!”
- ”Now You See Them, Now You Don’t!”
- SM064 (banned episode)
- ”Tough Guy Trials!”
- ”A Young Royal Flame Ignites!”
- ”The Power of Us”
- ”Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids!”
- ” I Choose Paradise!”
- ”Turning the Other Mask!”
- ”League Offenders and Defenders!”
- ”Battling Besties!”
- ”Battling on the Wing!” (watched the battles during the Manalo Conference)
- ”Final Rivals ( watched the battle between Ash and Gladion)
- ”Z-Move Showdown!”
- ”Exhibition Unmasked! (two of them, and one reappeared in the episodes ”A Full Battle Bounty!” and ”Fiery Surprises!”)
- ”Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues!”
- ”Enter Pikachu!” (in a flashback)
- ”The Sinnoh Iceberg Race!” (two of them, one owned by Trainer, the other one was wild)
- ”Raid Battle in The Ruins!”
- ”Sobbing Sobble!”
- ”The Cuteness Quotient!”
- ”Restore and Renew!”
- ”Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day!”
- ”Crowning the Chow Crusher!
- ”To Train, or Not to Train!” (reappeares in the episode ”Breaking the Ice!”)
- ”A Rollicking Roll…” (stucked in Gulpin’s giant ball)
- ”Nightfall? Nightmares!”
- ”Lighting the Way Home!”
- ”Aim For The Eight!”
- ”Helping the Hometown Hero!”
- ” The Bittersweet Truth”
Manga Appearances
Ash & Pikachu
In the episode ” The Beginning Of Good Luck?! Pokémon Fortune Telling ” Misty borrowed Ash her Psyduck.
Pokémon Adventures
In different instances:
- In “Sigh for Psyduck,” a revived Psyduck by Koga’s Gastly attacks Red but is easily defeated.
- In “Breath of the Dragonair Part 1,” a Psyduck owned by a Trainer participates in a surfing contest.
- Crystal attempts to catch a Psyduck in “Suddenly Suicune (Part 3)” and “Absolutely Azumarill.”
- In “The Last Battle XIII,” a Psyduck is sent to participate in a fight in Ilex Forest.
- In “The Final Battle IV,” a Psyduck helps Emerald with his disabilities.
- The Battle Factory rents a Psyduck in “The Final Battle VII,” stolen by Guile Hideout.
- Foreman’s Psyduck, nicknamed Yeller, appears in “Putting a Crimp in Kricketot.”
- A herd of Psyduck in “Suffering Psyduck” blocks the route to Celestic Town, part of Team Galactic’s ruse.
- A Psyduck owned by a Camper is seen in “Deprogramming Porygon-Z.”
- In “Out-Odding Oddish,” a Psyduck owned by a Pokéathlon participant is featured.
- Team Plasma liberates a Psyduck in “The Final Battle: Crushed Ambition” as one of the Pokémon stuck in N’s Castle.
Pokémon Pocket Monsters
In various episodes:
- Green’s Psyduck made its first appearance in “The Big Battle In The Viridian Forest!!”.
- In “Regain the Deserted Power Plant!,” another Psyduck was featured.
- “Good Luck at the Big Pokémon Athletic Meet!” included a Psyduck.
- A Psyduck participated in a baseball match in the episode “Fierce Competition at the Pokémon Baseball Tournament!”
- Professor Oak owns a Psyduck, introduced in “Save the Pokémon Zoo!!”
- A Psyduck was also present at Pikachu’s Birthday Party.
Psyduck also appeares in the following Pokémon manga:
The Electric Tale of Pikachu – in the episode ”Pikachu’s Excellent Adventure” appeared Misty’s Psyduck.
How I Became a Pokémon Card – in the episode ”Troubled Pokémon, Psyduck”. In this manga Team Rocket aslo owns a Psyduck.
Movie adaptations – in the manga adaptation of the movies ”The Rise of Darkrai” (put to sleep by Darkrai) and ”Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel” (living in the Nebel Plateau)
Pokémon Gotta Catch ‘Em All – in the episodes GDZ21 and GDZ56 (čiving on Kigan Island).
Pokémon Journeys: The Series – in the episode ”Legend? Check! Friends? Check!” (multiple) and ”Caring for a Mystery!” (two Diglett).
Pokémon Horizon – in the episode ”The Power of Teamwork”.
Pokémon Ruby-Sapphire – in the episode ”Let’s Try To Be Idols!!”.
Pokémon Zensho – the fifth chapter of the Pokémon Zensho manga, PZ06 (Satoshi (Ash) obtained a Psyduck, along with several other Pokémon, by trading the Dratini he discovered with a Fisherman).
Game data
Game version | Location |
Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue | Routes 24 and 25, Seafoam Islands, Safari Zone |
Pokémon Yellow | Route 6 |
Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver | Routes 6 and 35, Ilex Forest |
Pokémon Crystal | Routes 6 and 35, Ilex Forest, National Park |
Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire | Safari Zone |
Pokémon FireRed | Routes 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, Berry Forest, Bond Bridge, Canyon Entrance, Cape Brink, Celadon City, Cerulean Cave, Cerulean City, Cinnabar Island, Five Island, Five Isle Meadow, Four Island, Fuchsia City, Green Path, Icefall Cave, Kindle Road, Memorial Pillar, One Island, Outcast Island, Pallet Town, Resort Gorgeous, Ruin Valley, Seafoam Islands, Tanoby Ruins, Trainer Tower, Treasure Beach, Vermilion City, Viridian City, Water Labyrinth, Water Path, Safari Zone |
Pokémon LeafGreen | Trade |
Pokémon Emerald | Safari Zone |
Pokémon Colosseum | Trade |
Pokémon XD | Trade |
Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl | Routes 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210, 214, Celestic Town, Eterna City, Great Marsh, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Lake Verity, Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path, Twinleaf Town |
Pokémon Platinum | Routes 202, 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210, 212, 214, 225, Celestic Town, Eterna City, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Lake Verity, Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path, Resort Area, Twinleaf Town |
Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver | Routes 6, 35, Cerulean Cave, Ilex Forest, Seafoam Islands |
Pokémon Black and Pokémon White | Breed Golduck |
Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 | Floccesy Ranch |
Pokémon X and Pokémon Y | Routes 7 and 22 |
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire | Safari Zone |
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon | Seaward Cave, Brooklet Hill, Malie Garden |
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon | Ten Carat Hill, Seaward Cave, Brooklet Hill, Malie Garden, Sandy Cave |
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! And Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! | Routes 4, 6, 17, 24 and 25, Cerulean Cave |
Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield | Brawlers' Cave, Challenge Beach |
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl | Route 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210, 212, 214, Celestic Town, Eterna City, Great Marsh, Lake Acuity, Lake Valor, Lake Verity, Oreburgh Gate, Ravaged Path, Twinleaf Town, Spacious Cave, Fountainspring Cave, Riverbank Cave, Still-Water Cavern |
Legends Arceus | The Heartwood, Bathers' Lagoon, Gapejaw Bog, Golden Lowlands, Holm of Trials, Lonely Spring, Wayward Wood |
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet | Tagtree Thicket, Asado Desert, Casseroya Lake, North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), North Province (Area Three), East Province (Area One), East Province (Area Two), East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Four), South Province (Area Five), South Province (Area Six), West Province (Area One), West Province (Area Two), West Province (Area Three), Glaseado Mountain, South Paldean Sea |
Psyduck's origin name
Its names across different languages reflect the dual nature of Psyduck’s psychic abilities and its duck-like characteristics.
English: Psyduck – Psyduck’s English name is a combination of “psychic” and “duck,” reflecting its psychic abilities and its duck-like appearance.
Japanese: コダック (Kodakku) – In Japanese, Psyduck is known as “Kodakku.” This name may be a combination of “kō” (meaning “small” or “child”) and “duck,” emphasizing its small and duck-like characteristics.
French: Psykokwak – In French, Psyduck is named “Psykokwak,” combining “psychique” (psychic) and the onomatopoeia “kwak” representing the sound a duck makes.
German: Enton – The German name for Psyduck is “Enton,” derived from “Ente” (duck), maintaining a clear reference to its duck-like features.
Spanish: Psyduck – Psyduck’s name in Spanish remains the same as in English, “Psyduck,” maintaining the connection to psychic abilities and its duck appearance.
Italian: Psyduck – Similarly, in Italian, Psyduck retains its English name, “Psyduck.”
Korean: 고라파덕 (Gorapadeok) – In Korean, Psyduck is known as “Gorapadeok,” a name that incorporates the sounds and components that make up its English name.
Chinese (Simplified): 可达鸭 (Kědáyā) – The Simplified Chinese name for Psyduck is “Kědáyā,” where “可达” (Kědá) represents “psyche” or “psychic,” and “鸭” (Yā) means “duck.”
Chinese (Traditional): 可達鴨 (Kědáyā) – In Traditional Chinese, Psyduck’s name is similar to the Simplified Chinese version, written as “可達鴨”.