
Pidgeotto is a dual-type Normal/Flying Pokémon is a mid-stage evolution in the evolutionary line of Pidgey.

Pidgeotto Pokémon in flight among forest trees
National Pokedex No: 0017
Category: Bird Pokémon
Height: 1.1 m (3′07″)
Weight : 30.0 kg (66.1 lbs)
Gender: 50% ♂, 50 % ♀
Abilities/Hidden abilities:
Keen Eye or Tangled Feet/Big Pecks


Physical Characteristics

Pidgeotto, the evolved form of Pidgey, possesses several distinctive physical characteristics.


Its body is predominantly covered in brown plumage, with a lighter beige underside. This plumage is denser and more developed compared to Pidgey’s, giving Pidgeotto a more robust appearance. The wings of Pidgeotto are particularly notable, featuring a significant wingspan relative to its body size. These wings are well-muscled, providing Pidgeotto with powerful flight capabilities and agility in the air.


Pidgeotto’s head is adorned with a crest of feathers, which adds to its avian profile. Its beak is hooked and sharp, ideal for capturing prey and tearing food. The Pokémon’s eyes are keen and alert, reflecting its acute vision, which aids in hunting and navigation. Pidgeotto also possesses strong talons on its feet, which it uses for grasping branches or capturing prey.


In terms of size, Pidgeotto typically stands taller than Pidgey, but shorter than its final evolution, Pidgeot. This intermediate stage in the evolutionary line represents a significant advancement in physical development, reflecting Pidgeotto’s progression towards becoming a formidable aerial predator.


Pidgeotto, with its evolved and more mature nature, exhibits several distinctive behaviors.


Pidgeotto is a natural predator, and its behavior often revolves around hunting for prey. It will actively seek out small Pokémon or even insects to satisfy its carnivorous diet. Pidgeotto can be territorial, especially in its nesting areas. It may defend its territory vigorously against potential threats or intruders, showcasing a protective side.


Known for its remarkable flight capabilities, Pidgeotto engages in impressive aerial maneuvers. It soars through the skies with agility, utilizing its wings for swift and precise movements during flight. While not as social as some Pokémon species, Pidgeotto may engage in interactions with others of its kind.


Pidgeotto, like many bird Pokémon, is likely to engage in nesting behaviors during the breeding season. It may construct nests in elevated areas, demonstrating its ability to adapt to different environments.


Pidgeotto displays a level of curiosity, often observing its surroundings keenly. This behavior aids in locating potential prey or identifying changes in its environment.


Pidgeotto is known to be dedicated to its training and development. As it evolves from Pidgey, it hones its flying skills and strengthens its wings through consistent practice.


In some instances, Pidgeotto may be part of migratory patterns, flying to different regions during specific seasons. This behavior is often associated with factors such as climate and resource availability.


Understanding these behaviors provides insights into Pidgeotto’s role in the Pokémon ecosystem and its adaptation to various environments and situations.


Pidgeotto is the evolved form of Pidgey and the pre-evolved form of Pidgeot in the Pokémon series. Here’s a detailed overview of its evolution.

Pidgey Pokémon perched on a forest branch
mob 4
Pidgeotto Pokémon in flight among forest trees
(First Evolution)
mob 4
Majestic Pidgeot Pokémon soaring over the forest
(Second Evolution)

Pidgey is the initial and unevolved form of the evolutionary line. Typically encountered in the early stages of the player’s journey. Evolves into Pidgeotto starting at level 18.


Pidgeotto is the second stage of the evolutionary line. Pidgey evolves into Pidgeotto at level 18. The evolution occurs automatically when Pidgey reaches the required level during battles and experience gain.


Pidgeotto evolves into Pidgeot starting at level 36. Pidgeot is the final and fully evolved form of this Pokémon line. Pidgeot gains increased stats, improved abilities, and access to more powerful moves upon evolving from Pidgeotto. Pidgeot’s evolution signifies a more formidable and mature stage in its development, often accompanied by a change in appearance.


Pidgeot has the ability to undergo Mega Evolution into Mega Pidgeot. Mega Pidgeot requires the use of the Mega Stone called Pidgeotite. Mega Evolution is a temporary transformation during battles, enhancing Pidgeot’s stats and abilities for strategic advantages.


Understanding Pidgeotto’s evolution line provides trainers with insights into its growth, progression, and the potential for further enhancements as it reaches its final evolutionary stage. It highlights the significance of leveling up and experience gain in the Pokémon training journey.


Anime Main Appearances

Ash’s Pidgeotto


In the episode ”Ash Catches a Pokémon”, Ash captures a wild Pidgeotto in this episode, marking its debut in the series. Pidgeotto actively participates in battles, showcasing its battling skills and loyalty to Ash until the episode ”Pallet Party Panic”, where its evolves into Pidgeot.


Other appearences include:


  • In “Pallet Party Panic” a group of six Pidgeotto were attacked by a flock of Spearow and a Fearow. This same flock was later shown in a flashback in “Fighting Flyer with Fire” and two of the Pidgeotto reappeared in “The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master!”.
  • In “Mountain Time” Benji’s father employs a Pidgeotto for mountain patrol duties, aiding those stranded in remote areas. The Pidgeotto also assists in training Benji’s Ledian to fulfill its role in the patrol efforts.
  • In “Pokéblock, Stock and Berry” Vladimir showcases his Aerial Ace-capable Pidgeotto to fellow Trainers such as Ash and his Swellow, using it as an example for teaching Flying-type attacks.

Anime Minor Appearances

In “The School of Hard Knocks” there was a depiction of a Pidgeotto in a dream sequence. During “Pokémon Fashion Flash” a Pidgeotto was spotted on Scissor Street. Another Pidgeotto made an appearance in a fantasy scene in “Dig Those Diglett!”. In “The Breeding Center Secret” yet another Pidgeotto was sighted. Team Rocket imagined a pink Pidgeotto in “In the Pink”. Additionally, a wild Pidgeotto played a role in “Pikachu’s Rescue Adventure”.


During Florando’s annual Pokémon Exhibition in “Flower Power” a Pidgeotto participated. In “Pikachu & Pichu” a Pidgeotto resided in Big Town. The fantasy world in “Control Freak!” featured another Pidgeotto. In “Celebi: The Voice of the Forest” there was a sighting of a Pidgeotto. The episode“Got Miltank?” featured two Pidgeotto inhabiting a Pokémon-exclusive oasis.


Multiple Pidgeotto were seen in these episodes:


  • ”Battle Aboard the St. Anne”
  • ”Showdown at the Po-ké Corral” (living at Professor Oak’s Laboratory)
  • ”The Power of One” (disturbance by Lawrence III)
  • ”Let Bagons Be Bagons”
  • ”Destiny Deoxys” and ”Zoroark: Master of Illusions” (opening sequences)
  • ”Lucario and the Mystery of Mew”
  • ”Giratina and the Sky Warrior”
  • ”Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!”
  • ”Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race!”
  • ”The Forest Champion!”
  • ”Dreams Are Made of These!”

In “Not on MY Watch Ya Don’t!”, a Pidgeotto made an appearance. It briefly appeared in “The Rise of Darkrai” and played a role in “Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (Part 1)”. Another sighting was in “Arceus and the Jewel of Life”.


A Trainer’s Pidgeotto appeared in:


  • ”Round One – Begin!” (participated in the Indigo Plateau Conference)
  • ”Friends to the End”
  • ”The Ole’ Berate and Switch!”
  • ”Summer of Discovery!”, ”Foggy Pokémon Orienteering!”, and ”Battling Into the Hall of Fame!” (participated in the Pokémon Summer Camp)

In “Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel” a Pidgeotto resided on the Nebel Plateau, and it was also captured in a photo taken by Rotom in “Alola, Kanto!”. It made an appearance in “The Power of Us”. Several Pidgeotto, including those seen in a video hologram, appeared in “Legend? Go! Friends? Go!”. In “Working My Way Back to Mew!”, Goh attempted to catch a Pidgeotto unsuccessfully. Later, in “Take My Thief! Please!”, Goh managed to successfully capture a Pidgeotto. Finally, a Pidgeotto under the ownership of a student of Indigo Academy appeared in “The Pendant That Starts It All (Part One)”.


These appearances showcase Pidgeotto in various scenarios and highlight its presence throughout different episodes in the Pokémon anime series.

Manga Appearances

“The Electric Tale of Pikachu,”


This manga follows the adventures of Ash Ketchum and Pikachu as they travel through the Pokémon world. While the focus is often on Pikachu, various other Pokémon, including Pidgeotto, make appearances.


In this Manga, Pidgeotto becomes Ash’s fourth captured Pokémon.


However, in “Play Misty For Me,” when Ash attempts to use Pidgeotto in a battle against Misty, the Poké Ball contains a note from Pidgeotto expressing fatigue and the need for rest. The manga doesn’t clarify if Pidgeotto permanently left Ash’s team, but it doesn’t make any further appearances in the storyline.


Pocket Monsters HeartGold & SoulSilver Go! Go! Pokéathlon


In this Manga Pidgeotto is owned by Takashi.


Pocket Monsters HGSS


In the fifth chapter of the Pocket Monsters HGSS manga, ”Let’s Get all the Badges!”, Pidgeotto owned by Falkner, the Gym Leader of Violet City’s Gym, battled with Clefairy (also known as Blockhead Clefairy ), Red’s first Pokémon.


Pokémon Adventures

In the episode “Pidgeotto Pick-Me-Up,” of a Pokémon Adventures Manga, a Pidgeotto, along with a pair of Pidgeot, kidnaps Kitty (Yellow’s Caterpie).


Falkner owns a Pidgeotto, debuting in “Sunkern Treasure,” where it is spotted soaring above Gold, attempting to capture a Skarmory.


Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys


In the episode ”A Huge Mysterious Tree!!”, Pidgey which is owned by Gold evolves into a Pidgeotto.


Pokémon Gotta Catch ‘Em All


Pidgeotto appears in ”A Huge Mysterious Tree!!” – the tenth chapter (GDZ10), ”Special Chapter – Get Pikachu!” the fifteenth chapter (GDZ15) owned by Ken, one of Shu’s many rivals, and in ” Battle in the Smokescreen” – the sixteenth chapter of the Pokémon Gotta Catch ‘Em All manga.

Game data


Health Points 63%
Attack 60%
Defense 55%
Special Attack 50%
Special Defense 50%
Speed 71%


Game versionLocation
Pokémon Red and Pokémon BlueRoutes 14, 15, and 21
Pokémon YellowRoute 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 24, 25, Viridian Forest
Pokémon Gold and Pokémon SilverRoute 2, 8, 13, 14, 15, 25, 37, 43
Pokémon CrystalRoute 2, 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 25, 37, 38, 39, 43
Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon SapphireTrade
Pokémon FireRed and Pokémon LeafGreenRoutes 13, 14, and 15, Bond Bridge, Berry Forest, Five Isle Meadow
Pokémon EmeraldTrade
Pokémon ColosseumTrade
Pokémon XDCipher Key Lair
Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon PearlEvolve Pidgey
Pokémon PlatinumEvolve Pidgey
Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilverRoutes 2, 8, 13, 14, 15, 25, 37, and 43, Viridian Forest
Pokémon BlackTrade
Pokémon WhiteEvolve Pidgey
Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2Trade
Pokémon X and Pokémon YEvolve Pidgey
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha SapphireSafari Zone
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon MoonTrade
Pokémon Ultra Sun Pokémon Ultra MoonEvolve Pidgey
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!Routes 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, and 25
Pokémon Sword and Pokémon ShieldUnobtainable
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining PearlEvolve Pidgey
Legends ArceusUnobtainable
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon VioletUnobtainable

Pidgeotto's origin name

In English and various other languages, Pidgeotto’s name generally reflects its avian nature.


English: Pidgeotto – The English name “Pidgeotto” is a combination of “Pidgeon” (a general term for various bird species) and the suffix “-otto,” which adds a playful and endearing touch.


Japanese: ピジョン Pijon – The Japanese name “Pijon” is a straightforward transliteration of the English word “Pigeon.”


German: Tauboga – The German name “Tauboga” combines “Taub-” from “Taube” (pigeon) and “-boga,” which might be derived from “Bogen” (bow), possibly indicating the bird’s soaring and arching flight.


French: Roucoups – In French, “Roucoups” combines “roucou” (the cooing sound of pigeons) and the ending “-oups,” adding a whimsical touch.


Spanish: Pidgeotto – The Spanish name “Pidgeotto” mirrors the English name without significant alterations.


Italian: Pidgeotoo – Similar to Spanish, the Italian name “Pidgeotto” closely follows the English name.


Korean: 피죤 Pijon – The Korean name “Pijon” mirrors the Japanese and English names in a transliterated form.


Chinese (Mandarin): 比比鳥 Bǐbǐ Niǎo – The Mandarin Chinese name “比比鳥” (Bǐbǐ Niǎo) consists of “比比” (Bǐbǐ), a playful repetition, and “鳥” (Niǎo), meaning bird. This name emphasizes the avian nature of the Pokémon with a fun linguistic twist.