Normal type

Normal type Pokémon icon

In the Pokémon world, Normal-type is one of the eighteen elemental Pokémon types that Pokémon and their moves can have.


Normal-type Pokémon are the most common type, found in almost every Pokémon game.

They come in various shapes and sizes, ranging from small rodents like Rattata to massive creatures like Snorlax.

Normal type characteristics

Normal-type Pokémon have no inherent strengths or weaknesses against other types, making them versatile battlers. Known for their balance, they often possess a wide movepool, allowing them to learn moves of various types, from physical to special attacks.

Normal type chart

Normal type Pokémon strengths and weaknesses chart
Chart explanation

Normal-type moves include a variety of techniques, from basic attacks like Tackle and Scratch to status-inflicting moves like Sing and Screech. Despite lacking super effective hits against any specific type, Normal-type Pokémon are essential for any well-rounded team due to their adaptability and reliability in battles.

Normal type moves

Normal-type moves encompass a wide array of techniques in Pokémon battles, offering both offensive and defensive options. They are known for their versatility and adaptability, making them essential for constructing well-rounded teams.


Concluding with Generation IX there are a total of 202 Normal-type moves, constituting approximately 21.62% of all moves. This prevalence makes Normal moves the most common type, followed by Psychic moves in second place.


These moves include basic physical attacks like Tackle and Scratch, as well as powerful moves like Hyper Beam and Giga Impact. Additionally, Normal-type moves can include status moves such as Rest, which allows Pokémon to recover health, and moves like Protect, which can shield a Pokémon from damage. Normal-type Pokémon often serve as reliable team members due to their ability to learn a diverse range of moves from other types, making them adaptable to various battle situations.


Overall, Normal-type moves play a crucial role in the strategic depth of Pokémon battles, providing trainers with a multitude of options for offense, defense, and support.

BarragePhysicalCute1520 (max 32)85%I
BidePhysicalTough10 (max 16)—%I
BindPhysicalTough1520 (max 32)85%I
Body SlamPhysicalTough8500%15 (max 24)100%I
Comet PunchPhysicalTough1815 (max 24)85%I
ConstrictPhysicalTough1035 (max 56)100%I
ConversionStatusBeautiful30 (max 48)—%I
CutPhysicalCool5030 (max 48)95%I
Defense CurlStatusCute40 (max 64)—%I
DisableStatusClever20 (max 32)100%I
Dizzy PunchPhysicalCute7010 (max 16)100%I
Double SlapPhysicalCute1510 (max 16)85%I
Double TeamStatusCool15 (max 24)—%I
Double-EdgePhysicalTough12015 (max 24)100%I
Egg BombPhysicalCute10010 (max 16)75%I
ExplosionPhysicalBeautiful2505 (max 8)100%I
FlashStatusBeautiful20 (max 32)100%I
Focus EnergyStatusCool30 (max 48)—%I
Fury AttackPhysicalCool1520 (max 32)85%I
Fury SwipesPhysicalTough1815 (max 24)80%I
GlareStatusTough30 (max 48)100%I
GrowlStatusCute40 (max 64)100%I
GrowthStatusBeautiful20 (max 32)—%I
GuillotinePhysicalCool5 (max 8)30%I
HardenStatusTough30 (max 48)—%I
HeadbuttPhysicalTough7015 (max 24)100%I
Horn AttackPhysicalCool6525 (max 40)100%I
Horn DrillPhysicalCool5 (max 8)30%I
Hyper BeamSpecialCool1505 (max 8)90%I
Hyper FangPhysicalCool8015 (max 24)90%I
LeerStatusCool30 (max 48)100%I
Lovely KissStatusBeautiful10 (max 16)75%I
Mega KickPhysicalCool1205 (max 8)75%I
Mega PunchPhysicalTough8020 (max 32)85%I
MetronomeStatusCute10 (max 16)—%I
MimicStatusCute10 (max 16)—%I
MinimizeStatusCute10 (max 16)—%I
Pay DayPhysicalClever4020 (max 32)100%I
PoundPhysicalTough4035 (max 56)100%I
Quick AttackPhysicalCool4030 (max 48)100%I
RagePhysicalTough2020 (max 32)100%I
Razor WindSpecialCool8010 (max 16)100%I
RecoverStatusClever5 (max 8)—%I
RoarStatusCool20 (max 32)—%I
ScratchPhysicalTough4035 (max 56)100%I
ScreechStatusClever40 (max 64)85%I
Self-DestructPhysicalBeautiful2005 (max 8)100%I
SharpenStatusCute30 (max 48)—%I
SingStatusCute15 (max 24)55%I
Skull BashPhysicalTough13010 (max 16)100%I
SlamPhysicalTough8020 (max 32)75%I
SlashPhysicalCool7020 (max 32)100%I
SmokescreenStatusClever20 (max 32)100%I
Soft-BoiledStatusCute5 (max 8)—%I
Sonic BoomSpecialCool20 (max 32)90%I
Spike CannonPhysicalCool2015 (max 24)100%I
SplashStatusCute40 (max 64)—%I
StompPhysicalTough6520 (max 32)100%I
StrengthPhysicalTough8015 (max 24)100%I
StrugglePhysicalTough501 (max 1)—%I
SubstituteStatusCute10 (max 16)—%I
Super FangPhysicalTough10 (max 16)90%I
SupersonicStatusClever20 (max 32)55%I
SwiftSpecialCool6020 (max 32)—%I
Swords DanceStatusBeautiful20 (max 32)—%I
TacklePhysicalTough4035 (max 56)100%I
Tail WhipStatusCute30 (max 48)100%I
Take DownPhysicalTough9020 (max 32)85%I
ThrashPhysicalTough12010 (max 16)100%I
TransformStatusClever10 (max 16)—%I
Tri AttackSpecialBeautiful8010 (max 16)100%I
Vise GripPhysicalTough5530 (max 48)100%I
WhirlwindStatusClever20 (max 32)—%I
WrapPhysicalTough1520 (max 32)90%I
AttractStatusCute15 (max 24)100%II
Baton PassStatusCute40 (max 64)—%II
Belly DrumStatusCute10 (max 16)—%II
Conversion 2StatusBeautiful30 (max 48)—%II
EncoreStatusCute5 (max 8)100%II
EndureStatusTough10 (max 16)—%II
Extreme SpeedPhysicalCool805 (max 8)100%II
False SwipePhysicalCool4040 (max 64)100%II
FlailPhysicalCute15 (max 24)100%II
ForesightStatusClever40 (max 64)—%II
FrustrationPhysicalCute20 (max 32)100%II
Heal BellStatusBeautiful5 (max 8)—%II
Hidden PowerSpecialClever6015 (max 24)100%II
Lock-OnStatusClever5 (max 8)—%II
Mean LookStatusBeautiful5 (max 8)—%II
Milk DrinkStatusCute5 (max 8)—%II
Mind ReaderStatusClever5 (max 8)—%II
Morning SunStatusBeautiful5 (max 8)—%II
Pain SplitStatusClever20 (max 32)—%II
Perish SongStatusBeautiful5 (max 8)—%II
PresentPhysicalCute15 (max 24)90%II
ProtectStatusCute10 (max 16)—%II
Psych UpStatusClever10 (max 16)—%II
Rapid SpinPhysicalCool5040 (max 64)100%II
ReturnPhysicalCute20 (max 32)100%II
SafeguardStatusBeautiful25 (max 40)—%II
Scary FaceStatusTough10 (max 16)100%II
SketchStatusClever1 (max 1)—%II
Sleep TalkStatusCute10 (max 16)—%II
SnoreSpecialCute5015 (max 24)100%II
SwaggerStatusCute15 (max 24)85%II
Sweet ScentStatusCute20 (max 32)100%II
AssistStatusCute20 (max 32)—%III
BlockStatusCute5 (max 8)—%III
CamouflageStatusClever20 (max 32)—%III
CovetPhysicalCute6025 (max 40)100%III
Crush ClawPhysicalCool7510 (max 16)95%III
EndeavorPhysicalTough5 (max 8)100%III
FacadePhysicalCute7020 (max 32)100%III
Fake OutPhysicalCute4010 (max 16)100%III
Follow MeStatusCute20 (max 32)—%III
Helping HandStatusClever20 (max 32)—%III
HowlStatusCool40 (max 64)—%III
Hyper VoiceSpecialCool9010 (max 16)100%III
Nature PowerStatusBeautiful20 (max 32)—%III
Odor SleuthStatusClever40 (max 64)—%III
RecycleStatusClever10 (max 16)—%III
RefreshStatusCute20 (max 32)—%III
Secret PowerPhysicalClever7020 (max 32)100%III
Slack OffStatusCute5 (max 8)—%III
Smelling SaltsPhysicalTough7010 (max 16)100%III
Spit UpSpecialTough10 (max 16)100%III
StockpileStatusTough20 (max 32)—%III
SwallowStatusTough10 (max 16)—%III
Teeter DanceStatusCute20 (max 32)100%III
TickleStatusCute20 (max 32)100%III
UproarSpecialCute9010 (max 16)100%III
Weather BallSpecialBeautiful5010 (max 16)100%III
WishStatusCute10 (max 16)—%III
YawnStatusCute10 (max 16)—%III
AcupressureStatusTough30 (max 48)—%IV
CaptivateStatusCute20 (max 32)100%IV
CopycatStatusCute20 (max 32)—%IV
Crush GripPhysicalTough5 (max 8)100%IV
Double HitPhysicalCool3510 (max 16)90%IV
FeintPhysicalClever3010 (max 16)100%IV
Giga ImpactPhysicalTough1505 (max 8)90%IV
JudgmentSpecialBeautiful10010 (max 16)100%IV
Last ResortPhysicalCute1405 (max 8)100%IV
Lucky ChantStatusCute30 (max 48)—%IV
Me FirstStatusClever20 (max 32)—%IV
Natural GiftPhysicalClever15 (max 24)100%IV
Rock ClimbPhysicalTough9020 (max 32)85%IV
Trump CardSpecialCool5 (max 8)—%IV
Wring OutSpecialTough5 (max 8)100%IV
After YouStatusCute15 (max 24)—%V
BestowStatusCute15 (max 24)—%V
Chip AwayPhysicalTough7020 (max 32)100%V
Echoed VoiceSpecialBeautiful4015 (max 24)100%V
EntrainmentStatusCute15 (max 24)100%V
Head ChargePhysicalTough12015 (max 24)100%V
Reflect TypeStatusClever15 (max 24)—%V
Relic SongSpecialBeautiful7510 (max 16)100%V
RetaliatePhysicalCool705 (max 8)100%V
RoundSpecialBeautiful6015 (max 24)100%V
Shell SmashStatusTough15 (max 24)—%V
Simple BeamStatusCute15 (max 24)100%V
Tail SlapPhysicalCute2510 (max 16)85%V
Techno BlastSpecialCool1205 (max 8)100%V
Work UpStatusTough30 (max 48)—%V
BoomburstSpecialTough14010 (max 16)100%VI
CelebrateStatusCute40 (max 64)—%VI
ConfideStatusCute20 (max 32)—%VI
Happy HourStatusCute30 (max 48)—%VI
Hold BackPhysicalCool4040 (max 64)100%VI
Hold HandsStatusCute40 (max 64)—%VI
Noble RoarStatusTough30 (max 48)100%VI
Play NiceStatusCute20 (max 32)—%VI
Breakneck BlitzPhysical1 (max 1)—%VII
Breakneck BlitzSpecial1 (max 1)—%VII
Extreme EvoboostStatus1 (max 1)—%VII
Laser FocusStatus30 (max 48)—%VII
Multi-AttackPhysical12010 (max 16)100%VII
Pulverizing PancakePhysical2101 (max 1)—%VII
Revelation DanceSpecial9015 (max 24)100%VII
SpotlightStatus15 (max 24)—%VII
Tearful LookStatus20 (max 32)—%VII
Veevee VolleyPhysical1 (max 1)—%VII
Court ChangeStatus10 (max 16)100%VIII
G-Max CuddlePhysical3 (max 4)—%VIII
G-Max CuddleSpecial3 (max 4)—%VIII
G-Max Gold RushPhysical3 (max 4)—%VIII
G-Max Gold RushSpecial3 (max 4)—%VIII
G-Max ReplenishPhysical3 (max 4)—%VIII
G-Max ReplenishSpecial3 (max 4)—%VIII
Max GuardStatus3 (max 4)—%VIII
Max StrikePhysical3 (max 4)—%VIII
Max StrikeSpecial3 (max 4)—%VIII
Power ShiftStatus10 (max 16)—%VIII
Stuff CheeksStatus10 (max 16)—%VIII
TeatimeStatus10 (max 16)—%VIII
Terrain PulseSpecial5010 (max 16)100%VIII
Blood MoonSpecial1405 (max 8)100%IX
DoodleStatus10 (max 16)100%IX
Fillet AwayStatus10 (max 16)—%IX
Hyper DrillPhysical1005 (max 8)100%IX
Population BombPhysical2010 (max 16)90%IX
Raging BullPhysical9010 (max 16)100%IX
Revival BlessingStatus1 (max 1)—%IX
Shed TailStatus10 (max 16)—%IX
Tera BlastSpecial8010 (max 16)100%IX
Tera StarstormSpecial1205 (max 8)100%IX
Tidy UpStatus10 (max 16)—%IX

Normal type abilities

Normal-type Pokémon can have a variety of abilities that complement their versatile nature in battles. Some common abilities among Normal-type Pokémon include:


Normalize: This ability causes all moves used by the Pokémon to become Normal type. It ensures consistent damage output but can be a double-edged sword, limiting coverage against certain types.


Scrappy: Pokémon with Scrappy can hit Ghost-type Pokémon with Normal- and Fighting-type moves, bypassing their immunity to these types.


Cute Charm: Opponents of the opposite gender have a chance to become infatuated when they make contact with a Pokémon with Cute Charm. This can disrupt their strategy by causing them to occasionally fail to execute their moves.


Guts: When a Pokémon with Guts is afflicted with a status condition (such as burn, paralysis, or poison), its Attack stat increases. This can turn status conditions into an advantage by boosting the Pokémon’s offensive capabilities.


Intimidate: Upon entering battle, Pokémon with Intimidate lower the Attack stat of all opposing Pokémon. This ability is useful for reducing the physical damage output of opponents, providing a defensive advantage.


Own Tempo: Pokémon with Own Tempo are immune to confusion, preventing them from harming themselves due to confusion induced by moves like Confuse Ray or Swagger.


Technician: Technician boosts the power of moves with a base power of 60 or less by 50%. This ability is particularly useful for boosting the damage of weaker moves, making them more viable options in battles.


These abilities add layers of versatility and strategic depth to Normal-type Pokémon, allowing them to adapt to various situations and playstyles in battles.

All Normal type Pokémon Trainers

Normal type Pokémon Trainers

Trainers specializing in Normal-type Pokémon are diverse, with each employing different strategies and tactics.


Some notable Normal-type Pokémon Trainers include:

Whitney - a Gym leader of Goldenrod City Gym, secialized in Normal-type Pokémon.


The Gym Leader of Goldenrod City’s Gym


Generation II, IV

The Gym Leader of Goldenrod City in the Johto region, Whitney is famous for her Miltank, a powerful Normal-type Pokémon that can be challenging to defeat.

Norman - a Gym Leader of Petalburg City Gym specialized in Normal-type Pokémon.


The Gym Leader of Petalburg City’s Gym


Generation III, VI

The father of the player character in the Hoenn region games, Norman is the fifth Gym Leader in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. He specializes in Normal-type Pokémon, with Slaking being his most formidable team member.

Lenora - a Gym Leader in Nacrene City, (Unova), specialized in Normal-type Pokémon.


An archaeologist and the Gym Leader of Nacrene City’s Gym


Generation V

The second Gym Leader in the Unova region games, Lenora of Nacrene City uses a combination of Normal- and Rock-type Pokémon in her Gym battles.

Cheren - a Gym Leader of Aspertia City in Unova, specialized in Normal-type Pokémon.


The Gym Leader of Aspertia City’s Gym


Generation V

In the Unova region, Cheren serves as the player’s childhood friend and later becomes a Gym Leader specializing in Normal-type Pokémon in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2.

Ilima - the Trial Captain of Melemele Island's Verdant Cavern interested in Normal-type Pokémon.


The Trial Captain of Melemele Island’s Verdant Cavern


Generation VII

As the Trial Captain of Verdant Cavern in the Alola region, Ilima specializes in Normal-type Pokémon and challenges Trainers with his strategic and diverse team.

Larry - the Gym Leader of Medali's Gym and a member of Paldea's Elite Four, specialized in Normal-type Pokémon.


Businessman, th Gym Leader of Medali’s Gym and a member of Paldea’s Elite Four


Generation IX

Larry is a Gym Leader and Elite Four member in the Paldea region and experti in Normal-type Pokémon dedicated challenging Trainers who seek to prove their skills in battles.

These Trainers showcase the versatility and adaptability of Normal-type Pokémon in battles, utilizing them in various strategies and team compositions to challenge opponents effectively.

Normal type Pokémon

Ending with Generation IX, there are a total of 153 Normal-type Pokémon species in the Pokémon universe. This includes both pure Normal-type Pokémon and dual-type Pokémon that have Normal as one of their types.

Pokedex NoPokémon picturePokemon nameType
#0016Pidgey Pokémon perched on a forest branchPidgeyNORMAL FLYING
#0017Pidgeotto Pokémon in flight among forest treesPidgeottoNORMAL FLYING
#0018Majestic Pidgeot Pokémon soaring over the forestPidgeotNORMAL FLYING
#0018Mega PidgeotNORMAL FLYING
#0019Rattata Pokémon foraging on the forest floorRattataNORMAL
#0019Rattata alolan form Pokémon foraging on the forest floorAlolan RattataDARK NORMAL
#0020Raticate Pokémon standing alert in a forestRaticateNORMAL
#0020Raticate Pokémon alolan form standing alert in a forestAlolan RaticateDARK NORMAL
#0021Spearow Pokémon in a dynamic forest environmentSpearowNORMAL FLYING
#0022Fearow Pokémon in a high forest flightFearowNORMAL FLYING
#0039Jigglypuff Pokémon singing in a forest meadowJigglypuffNORMAL FAIRY
#0040Wigglytuff Pokémon bouncing through a forestWigglytuffNORMAL FAIRY
#0052Meowth Pokémon on a forest prowlMeowthNORMAL
#0053Persian Pokémon with elegant stance in a lush forestPersianNORMAL
#0083Farfetch'd Pokémon holding a leek in a forest gladeFarfetch'dNORMAL FLYING
#0084Doduo Pokémon with two heads peering through forest foliageDoduoNORMAL FLYING
#0085Dodrio Pokémon with three heads strutting in the forest underbrushDodrioNORMAL FLYING
#0108Lickitung Pokémon with its tongue out in a forest clearingLickitungNORMAL
#0113Chansey Pokémon offering an egg in a serene forest gladeChanseyNORMAL
#0115Kangaskhan Pokémon protecting its young in a forest nestKangaskhanNORMAL
#0115Kangaskhan with unique markings and adaptations for its environment in a lush forestMega KangaskhanNORMAL
#0128Tauros Pokémon stampeding through a forest meadowTaurosNORMAL
#0132Ditto Pokémon transforming in a forest thicketDittoNORMAL
#0133Eevee Pokémon with fluffy fur in a sunlit forest gladeEeveeNORMAL
#0133Partner EeveeNORMAL
#0137Porygon Pokémon digitized amidst virtual forest sceneryPorygonNORMAL
#0143Snorlax Pokémon sleeping peacefully under the forest canopySnorlaxNORMAL
#0163HoothootNORMAL FLYING
#01740174IgglybuffNORMAL FAIRY
#0203GirafarigNORMAL PSYCHIC
#0263Galarian ZigzagoonDARK NORMAL
#0264Galarian LinooneDARK NORMAL
#0298AzurillNORMAL FAIRY
#0397StaraviaNORMAL FLYING
#0398StaraptorNORMAL FLYING
#0400BibarelNORMAL Water
#0429Mega LopunnyNORMAL FIGHTING
#0520TranquillNORMAL FLYING
#0521UnfezantNORMAL FLYING
#0531Mega AudinoNORMAL FAIRY
#0570Hisuian ZoruaNORMAL GHOST
#0571Hisuian ZoroarkNORMAL GHOST
#0585DeerlingNORMAL GRASS
#0586SawsbuckNORMAL GRASS
#0628BraviaryNORMAL FLYING
#0648Meloetta Aria FormeNORMAL PSYCHIC
#0648Meloetta Pirouette FormeNORMAL FIGHTING
#0660DiggersbyNORMAL GROUND
#0661FletchlingNORMAL FLYING
#0667LitleoFIRE NORMAL
#0668PyroarFIRE NORMAL
#0694HelioptileELECTRIC NORMAL
#0732TrumbeakNORMAL FLYING
#0733ToucannonNORMAL FLYING
#0772Type: NullNORMAL
#0862ObstagoonDARK NORMAL
#0876Indeedee (Male)PSYCHIC NORMAL
#0876Indeedee (Female)PSYCHIC NORMAL
#0901UrsalunaGROUND NORMAL
#0901Ursaluna (Bloodmoon)GROUND NORMAL
#0916Oinkologne (Male)NORMAL
#0916Oinkologne (Female)NORMAL
#0925Maushold (Family of Four)NORMAL
#0925Maushold (Family of Three)NORMAL
#0930ArbolivaGRASS NORMAL
#0931Squawkabilly (Green Plumage)NORMAL FLYING
#0931Squawkabilly (Blue Plumage)NORMAL FLYING
#0931Squawkabilly (Yellow Plumage)NORMAL FLYING
#0931Squawkabilly (White Plumage)NORMAL FLYING
#0944ShroodlePOISON NORMAL
#0945GrafaiaiPOISON NORMAL
#0967CyclizarDRAGON NORMAL
#0981FarigirafNORMAL PSYCHIC
#0982Dudunsparce (Two-Segment Form)NORMAL
#0982Dudunsparce (Three-Segment Form)NORMAL
#1024Terapagos (Normal Form)NORMAL
#1024Terapagos (Terastal Form)NORMAL
#1024Terapagos (Stellar Form)NORMAL

Whether as a standalone powerhouse or a supporting role, Normal-type Pokémon continue to play an essential part in the Pokémon universe, appealing to trainers of all levels with their reliability and consistency.