Machoke is a Fighting-type Pokémon known for its formidable strength and well-developed muscles.

National Pokedex No: 0067 |
Type: |
Category: Superpower Pokémon |
Height: 1.5 m (4′11″) |
Weight: 70.5 kg (155.4 lbs) |
Gender: 75% ♂, 25% ♀ |
Abilities/Hidden abilities:Guts or No Guard/Steadfast |
Physical Characteristics
Machoke is a Pokémon known for its exceptionally muscular physique. Its body is defined by well-developed muscles, showcasing its strength and power. Machoke is bipedal, standing on two legs with a humanoid posture. Its bipedal stance allows it to utilize its arms for various physical activities and combat maneuvers. Machoke’s skin is predominantly blue in color, giving it a distinct appearance. The shade of blue varies across different parts of its body, with some areas appearing darker or lighter.
Around Machoke’s waist, there is a grayish belt-like band. This belt may serve as both a decorative and functional element, contributing to Machoke’s overall visual design. Machoke is often depicted wearing a utility belt, carrying items like a Power Lens or other accessories. The utility belt emphasizes Machoke’s readiness for battle and its preparedness to use various tools or held items.
Each foot of Machoke has three toes, contributing to its stability and agility. The three-toed structure is a characteristic feature of many Fighting-type Pokémon. Machoke possesses three fingers on each hand, each equipped with powerful claws. The hand structure reflects its ability to grasp and manipulate objects with strength.
Some depictions of Machoke showcase a symbol resembling Geodude on its belt or elsewhere on its body. This symbol could represent a connection to other Pokémon or regions, adding a unique touch to Machoke’s design.
Machoke’s face features a pronounced jawline, contributing to its determined and focused expression. The facial characteristics enhance Machoke’s overall appearance, showcasing its readiness for physical challenges. Machoke typically has eyes with a determined and serious expression. The eye color may vary, but it often complements the overall color scheme of Machoke’s body.
Machoke’s physical characteristics highlight its role as a powerful and robust Fighting-type Pokémon. Its muscular build, distinctive coloration, and unique features contribute to its formidable appearance in the Pokémon world.
Machoke is renowned for its unwavering dedication to training and physical fitness. It often engages in rigorous training sessions to further enhance its already impressive strength and endurance.
Despite its imposing appearance, Machoke is known to be a protective and caring Pokémon. It may use its strength to shield and defend its Trainer or other Pokémon from harm. Machoke exhibits a competitive nature, especially in battles. It thrives in competitive environments, always seeking opportunities to prove its strength and prowess.
As an evolved form, Machoke may display leadership qualities, guiding other Pokémon during group activities or battles. Its strong presence and experience make it a reliable force within a team. Machoke understands the importance of teamwork, especially in group battles. It collaborates effectively with its Trainer and other Pokémon, coordinating strategies for success.
Some Machoke take on the role of trainers themselves, guiding and mentoring other Pokémon during training sessions. Their experience and knowledge contribute to the growth of less experienced Pokémon. Machoke’s disciplined nature is evident in its commitment to following commands from its Trainer. It adheres to a strict training regimen and respects the Trainer’s guidance.
Machoke communicates through body language, using its powerful physique to convey emotions and intentions. Gestures such as flexing its muscles or adopting specific stances may express confidence or readiness for battle. Machoke is often depicted as being alert and highly focused, particularly during battles. It pays close attention to its surroundings, assessing opponents and adapting its strategy accordingly.
While Machoke is primarily serious and disciplined, it may exhibit playful behavior on occasions, especially in more relaxed settings. Playfulness could include interactions with other Pokémon or engaging in non-competitive activities.
Machoke’s behavior reflects a balance between discipline, competitiveness, and a protective instinct. Its training-oriented lifestyle contributes to its development as a powerful and reliable Pokémon, ready to face any challenges that come its way.
Machoke is the evolved form of Machop, a Fighting-type Pokémon. Machop evolves into Machoke when it reaches a certain level of experience and strength through battles and training.
The primary method for Machop to evolve into Machoke is reaching a specific level of experience (usually level 28). As Machop gains experience points from battles, it gradually grows stronger, and when it reaches the required level, it undergoes evolution. The evolution process involves a physical transformation where Machop’s body undergoes significant changes. Machoke’s appearance becomes more robust, and its muscles become even more pronounced, reflecting its enhanced strength. Machoke evolves to become a more formidable force, both in terms of physical strength and overall size. Its power amplifies, making it a more capable combatant in battles.
Machoke is the intermediate stage the evolutionary line that culminates in Machamp, the final evolution. This evolutionary line showcases a progression of strength and maturity. Unlike some Pokémon that require specific conditions or items for evolution, Machoke evolves solely based on its experience level. External factors such as friendship, time of day, or held items are not necessary for its evolution.
Machoke further evolves into Machamp when traded to another Trainer. The act of trading simulates Machoke’s growth through challenging experiences and interactions with different Trainers. The trade evolution mechanism emphasizes the idea of Pokémon growth and development through social interaction. Machoke’s transition into Machamp symbolizes its readiness for the most advanced stage of its evolutionary line.
Machamp, the final form of this evolutionary line, is a powerful Fighting-type Pokémon with four muscular arms. It represents the pinnacle of physical strength and martial prowess within the Machop evolutionary family.
Machoke’s evolution is a testament to the Pokémon’s dedication to training and its journey toward becoming a more formidable fighter. The transition to Machamp through trading reinforces the social and cooperative aspects of Pokémon evolution.
Anime Main Appearances
In the episode “Chikorita’s Big Upset”, a Machoke joined a wild gang of Fighting-type Pokémon in the city. Chikorita became the new leader after defeating Primeape, earning Machoke’s friendship.
In “Wobbu-Palooza!” a festival crasher unleashed a Machoke to disrupt the Wobbuffet Festival, but Ash, friends, and Team Rocket thwarted its plans.
During the episode “Turning Over A New Bayleef” Haruno’s Machoke assisted in gardening and played a crucial role in locating Bayleef after she got carried away in rapids.
In “Machoke, Machoke Man” Chuck deployed his Machoke in a Gym battle against Ash, where it battled fiercely but was ultimately defeated by Bayleef’s Submission move.
Other notable appearences include episodes such as:
- ”Pop Goes The Sneasel”
- ”Hoenn Alone!”
- ”Sitting Psyduck”
- ”Bibarel Gnaws Best!”
- ”Lost Leader Strategy!”
- ”A Triple Fighting Chance!”
- ”Old Rivals, New Tricks!”
- ”Showdown at the Shalour Gym!”
Anime Minor Appearances
Machoke’s journey in the Pokémon series is multifaceted. From its debut in a grand battle with Ash‘s Primeape in the episode ”The Punchy Pokémon”, it became a recurring presence in street festivals (”Doin’ What Comes Natu-rally”), circuses (”It’s Mr. Mime Time”), and construction projects (”Celebi and Joy!”).
Machoke showcased its strength in battles, participated in Pokémon breeding competitions (”Beauty and the Breeder”), and contributed to various storylines. From facing Team Rocket’s schemes (”Riddle Me This”) to contributing to showboat performances (”Stage Fight!”), Machoke has showcased its versatility.
A Trainer’s Machoke appeared also in the following epsodes:
- “Showdown at Dark City” (Yas Gym)
- ”A Claim to Flame!” (Silver Conference)
- ”A Judgment Brawl”
- ”Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel”
- ”Alola to New Adventure!”
- ”First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!”
- ”Racing to a Big Event!” (Pokémon Pancake Race)
- ”One Journey Ends, Another Begins…” (Two Trainers’ Machoke)
- ”Getting the Band Back Together!” (Three Trainers’ Machop)
- ”Sours for the Sweet!”
- ”The Power of Us” (Five Trainers’ Machop)
- ”Securing the Future!”
- ”Legend? Go! Friends? Go!” (in a video hologram)
- ”A Little Rocket R & R!”
- ”A Rollicking Roll…”
Manga Appearances
Ash & Pikachu
A Machoke owned by Anna (Dr. Anna who runs a clinic with her sister) appeared in the episode ”Treasure Hunting?! Try The Maze!”.
Phantom Thief Pokémon 7
A Machoke appeared in the ”Behold The Phantom Thief Of Justice”, the first chapter of the Phantom Thief Pokémon 7 manga.
Pocket Monsters DP
A Machoke was seen in the eleventh chapter of the Pocket Monsters DP manga, PMDP11.
Pokémon Adventures
In the episode ”Bulbasaur, Come Home!”, Machoke defended the Viridian Gym, engaging in a battle against Red and Professor Oak. However, it was defeated by Bulbasaur’s Solar Beam.
Blue’s Machoke evolved into Machamp under Red’s supervision, but it was subsequently traded back in the episode ”A Tale of Ninetales”.
In ”The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon III”, Machoke, part of Brawly’s team, faced challenges. It attempted to combat Blaise’s illusions at the ”Lilycove Museum” but suffered burns. In ”The Final Battle IV”, it aided Emerald. The Battle Tower’s rented Machoke was stolen by Guile Hideout in ”The Final Battle VII”. A Black Belt owned a Machoke in Deprogramming Porygon-Z, and Chaz’s Machoke featured in ”Salamence Evolves”.
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!
A Machoke was used by a Team Galactic Grunt in the episode ”Find Munchlax!!”. Maylene, the Gym Leader of Veilstone City’s Gym, possesses a Machoke, witnessed losing to Hareta’s Piplup in ”Dialga’s Secret Keys”. Additionally, a Police Officer’s Machoke made an appearance in Charon Must Be Stopped!.
Pokémon Gotta Catch ‘Em All
A Machoke appeared in the GDZ51.
Pokémon Pocket Monsters
Red possesses a Machamp, captured after its evolution from Machoke in the episode ”Catch That Pokémon Thief!!”. Additionaly, Giovanni used his Machoke in his Gym battle against Red in the episode ”Get The Last Badge!!”.
Pokémon Zensho
A Machop appeared in the sixth chapter of the Pokémon Zensho manga, PZ07 (owned by . Fighting Dojo a Pokémon Gym in Saffron City).
Game data
Game version | Location |
Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue | Victory Road |
Pokémon Yellow | Route 5, Underground Path 5-6, Victory Road |
Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver | Rock Tunnel, Mt. Mortar |
Pokémon Crystal | Mt. Mortar, Mt. Silver Cave, Rock Tunnel |
Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire | Evolve Machop |
Pokémon FireRed and Pokémon LeafGreen | Cerulean Cave, Mt. Ember, Victory Road |
Pokémon Emerald | Evolve Machop |
Pokémon Colosseum | Trade |
Pokémon XD | Trade |
Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl | Routes 210, 211, 216, 217, 225, and 226, Stark Mountain, Mt. Coronet, Victory Road, Acuity Lakefront |
Pokémon Platinum | Routes 210, 211, 225, and 226, Mt. Coronet |
Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver | Cliff Cave, Mt. Mortar, Cerulean Cave, Rock Tunnel, Safari Zone |
Pokémon Black | Trade |
Pokémon White | Evolve Machop |
Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 | Trade |
Pokémon X and Pokémon Y | Friend Safari |
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire | Evolve Machop |
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon | Vast Poni Canyon |
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon | Vast Poni Canyon |
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! And Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! | Victory Road |
Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield | Axew's Eye, Giant's Seat, Stony Wilderness, Hammerlocke Hills, Dusty Bowl, North Lake Miloch, Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness |
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl | Routes 210, 211, 216, 217, 225 and 226, Acuity Lakefront, Mt. Coronet, Stark Mountain, Victory Road, Spacious Cave, Grassland Cave, Whiteout Cave, Sunlit Cavern |
Legends Arceus | Obsidian Falls, Arena's Approach, Bolderoll Ravine, Castaway Shore, Cloudcap Pass, Icebound Falls, Snowfall Hot Spring |
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet | Unobtainable |
Machoke's origin name
Machoke’s names in various languages highlight its formidable strength and muscular physique, contributing to its identity as a powerful fighting-type Pokémon.
English: The English name “Machoke” is a combination of “macho,” emphasizing its muscular and powerful physique, and “choke,” possibly alluding to its strength or wrestling abilities.
Japanese (カイリキー – Kairikī): In Japanese, Machoke is known as “カイリキー” (Kairikī). The name is a combination of “怪力” (kairiki), where “怪” (kai) means strange or monster, and “力” (riki) means power, translating to “Monster Strength.”
German: In German, Machoke is named “Machomei.” The name follows a similar pattern to the English name, emphasizing strength and power.
French: The French name for Machoke is “Machopeur. It combines “Macho,” highlighting its masculinity, and “Peur,” which means fear, possibly referencing its intimidating appearance.
Spanish: In Spanish, Machoke is known as “Machoke.” The name remains similar to the English version, maintaining the emphasis on strength.
Italian: The Italian name for Machoke is “Machoke.” Similar to the English and Spanish names, it underscores the Pokémon’s robust and powerful characteristics.
Korean (투구리 – Tuguri): In Korean, Machoke is referred to as “투구리” (Tuguri). The name incorporates the idea of combat or fighting, reflecting its nature as a powerful fighting-type Pokémon.
Chinese Mandarin ( 腕力 – Wànlì): In Mandarin Chinese, Machoke is named “腕力” (Wànlì). The name focuses on physical strength, with “腕” (wàn) meaning arm or wrist, and “力” (lì) meaning power.
Chinese Cantonese (Wun6 Lik6): In Cantonese Chinese, Machoke’s name is “Wun6 Lik6.” Similar to Mandarin, the name emphasizes strength and power.