Machamp is a powerful Fighting-type Pokémon known for its formidable strength and multiple muscular arms.

National Pokedex No: 0068 |
Type: |
Category: Superpower Pokémon |
Height: 1.6 m (5′03″) |
Weight: 130.0 kg (286.6 lbs) |
Gender: 75% ♂, 25% ♀ |
Abilities/Hidden abilities:Guts or No Guard/Steadfast |
Physical Characteristics
Machamp is a large, humanoid Pokémon known for its powerful and muscular build. It stands on two legs and has a humanoid appearance with a well-defined, robust physique. One of Machamp’s most distinctive features is its four arms. It has two pairs of well-developed arms that extend from its shoulders, giving it a unique and imposing look.
Machamp has a broad, crest-like forehead and a pair of glaring, small eyes. Its face is characterized by a wide, toothy grin, adding to its imposing demeanor. A crest resembling a mohawk adorns the top of Machamp’s head. This crest contributes to its overall visual appeal and warrior-like appearance.
Machamp’s skin is bluish-gray in color, providing it with a tough and resilient exterior. The shade of its skin complements its fighting-type characteristics.
Machamp has a series of belt-like markings or bands on its arms and chest. These markings are an indicator of the Pokémon’s muscle strength and are often associated with its power. Machamp has a short, stubby tail and three-toed feet. While its tail is not a prominent feature, its feet are well-suited for maintaining balance and stability during battles.
Machamp’s physical characteristics emphasize its role as a formidable fighting-type Pokémon, reflecting its strength and prowess in combat.
Machamp’s behavior is influenced by its fighting-type nature and its powerful physique. Here are details about the behavior of Machamp.
Machamp is known for its assertive and aggressive demeanor, which aligns with its role as a fighting-type Pokémon. In battles, it displays remarkable confidence and doesn’t hesitate to take charge. Machamp is protective of its Trainer and those it cares about. Its multiple arms come in handy for shielding and safeguarding its allies, showcasing a sense of loyalty and responsibility.
With its muscular physique and fighting prowess, Machamp is a disciplined and focused combatant. It carefully strategizes its moves in battles, utilizing its four powerful arms to execute a variety of techniques.
Machamp is likely to engage in rigorous training routines to enhance its strength and fighting skills. Its commitment to training reflects its dedication to mastering the martial arts and becoming a formidable opponent.
In group battles or when working with other Pokémon, Machamp demonstrates teamwork and coordination. Its ability to use each of its four arms independently makes it an effective team player in various combat scenarios.
Machamp respects strength and skill in battle. It appreciates opponents who can match its power, and defeating such opponents is seen as a mark of honor. Despite its aggressive appearance, Machamp can remain calm under pressure. It assesses situations with a level head, making strategic decisions to secure victory in battles.
Machamp’s behavior is a combination of discipline, loyalty, and a fierce fighting spirit. Its actions reflect its commitment to being a strong and reliable companion, making it a formidable force in the Pokémon world.
Machamp evolves from Machoke, the middle stage in its evolutionary line. Here are some details about its evolution.
Machop evolves into Machoke when it reaches a certain level of experience and strength through battles and training. The evolution from Machop to Machoke typically occurs at level 28. During this stage, Machop gains additional strength and evolves into a more formidable form.
To evolve Machoke into Machamp, a special condition is required: Machoke needs to be traded between Trainers. This trade triggers the evolution process. The act of trading symbolizes the culmination of Machoke’s training and its readiness to evolve into the powerful Machamp. Trading Machoke not only facilitates its evolution but also represents a form of shared experience and growth between Trainers. The act of trading emphasizes the social and cooperative aspects of Pokémon training, where collaboration between Trainers leads to the evolution of certain Pokémon.
Upon completing the trade, Machoke undergoes a transformation, evolving into Machamp. Machamp’s appearance is marked by the development of two additional arms, resulting in a total of four muscular limbs.
Machamp’s evolution signifies a significant boost in strength and fighting capabilities. It becomes a more proficient martial artist, utilizing its four powerful arms in a variety of combat techniques. The additional arms provide Machamp with enhanced dexterity and the ability to execute complex moves that set it apart as a formidable fighter. One of the distinctive features of Machamp is its four muscular arms. These arms allow it to perform multitasking in battles and showcase a diverse range of powerful moves. Machamp’s four arms become synonymous with its identity, representing both strength and versatility.
Machamp’s evolution is symbolic of achieving a high level of martial prowess. It stands as a testament to the Trainer’s dedication in guiding Machoke through its training journey, resulting in the evolution into the mighty Machamp.
Overall, Machamp’s evolution is not only a physical transformation but also a representation of the collaborative effort between Trainers and the Pokémon’s journey toward becoming a masterful fighting force.
Gigantamax Evolution
In its Gigantamax form, Machamp’s four arms grow larger and more muscular, emphasizing its incredible strength. Its skin takes on a darker hue, and glowing patterns adorn its body, giving it a more imposing appearance. Machamp’s belt becomes more prominent, and energy emanates from the holes in its belt, indicating its heightened power.
Additionally, Machamp’s G-Max move, called G-Max Chi Strike, allows it to strike opponents with powerful punches fueled by its Gigantamax energy, dealing massive damage to foes. This transformation enhances Machamp’s already formidable fighting abilities, making it a fearsome force to be reckoned with in battle.

Anime Main Appearances
In the episode ”The Battle of the Badge”, Giovanni entrusted Jessie, James, and Meowth with a Machamp to oversee the Viridian Gym. It played a key role in their battle against Ash, ultimately defeating Squirtle.
In the episode ”The Forest Champion!”, Machamp served as the rival to Hawlucha, the previous champion of their forest home. Tricked into a rematch by Ursaring and Conkeldurr, Machamp swiftly dealt with the troublemakers, ending the duel and observing Hawlucha’s decision to join Ash, entrusting the forest’s protection to him.
Other notable appearences include episodes such as:
- ”From Brags to Riches” (Giovanni’s Machamp was defeated by Gavin’ Gligar at the Ever Grande Conference.)
- ”Sitting Psyduck”
- ”Bibarel Gnaws Best!” (multiple Machamp)
- ”The Sinnoh Iceberg Race!” (Jessie used Machamp to steal other Pokémon who participted in the Pokémon Iceberg Race)
- ”Solitary and Menacing!” (in a fantasy owned by Bea)
- ”Battle Three With Bea!” (Bea’s Machamp reapeared)
- ”A Battle of Mega Versus Max!” (Bea’s Machamp reapeared)
- ”The Winding Path to Greatness!” (Bea’s Machamp reapeared)
Anime Minor Appearances
Machamp first appeared in the epsiode ”The Punchy Pokémon”, competing in the P1 Grand Prix. In various episodes and films, it battled, sensed disturbances (”The Power of One”), and participated in competitions (”Beauty and the Breeder” and ”Ring Masters”).
Notable appearances include ”Mewtwo Strikes Back”, ”Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution”, ”Pikachu’s Rescue Adventure”, ”Machoke, Machoke Man!” and ”To Top a Totem!”. From battling Snorlax to helping with tasks, Machamp has showcased its strength across the Pokémon world.
A Coordinator’s Machamp appeared in the episode ”Harley Rides Again” (participated in the Wisteria Town Pokémon Contest).
A Trainer’s Machamp appeared also in the following epsodes:
- “The Mandarin Island Miss-Match”
- ”The Ties That Bind”
- ”Like a Meowth to a Flame”
- ”Saved by the Beldum” (attended the Ever Grande Conference)
- ”League Unleashed!” (defeated by Tobias’s Darkrai at the Lily of the Valley Conference)
- ”Alola to New Adventure!” (Two Trainers’ Machamp)
- ”First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!”
- ”One Journey Ends, Another Begins…” (Two Trainers’ Machamp)
- ”Faba’s Revenge!”
- ”Pushing the Fiery Envelope!” and ”A Young Royal Flame Ignites!” (participated in two Battle Royal)
- ”Smashing with Sketch!” (Pokémon Ping-Pong tournament)
- ”A Young Royal Flame Ignites!”
- ”Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids!”
- ”Turning the Other Mask!”
- ”This Magik Moment!” (two of them, one owned by Trainer)
- ”The Dealer of Destruction!” (in a flashback)
- ”Secrets of the Jungle”
- ”Aim For The Eight!”
Manga Appearances
Magical Pokémon Journey
A Machamp appeared in this ten-volume manga.
Movie adaptations
A Machamp owned by Borosue, a member of Team Skull, appeared the second chapter of Pocket Monsters the Movie: I Choose You! Remix, ICYR2.
Pokémon Adventures
Machamp made various appearances in different scenarios throughout the Pokémon Adventures. In the episode “Tauros the Tyrant” a Team Rocket Grunt utilized Machamp in an attempt to catch Green. Blue’s Machamp originally debuted as a Machoke in “A Tale of Ninetales” and evolved under Red’s ownership before being returned to Blue.
In “Can You Diglett?” Machamp appeared as a silhouette during Agatha and Lorelei’s explanation about the challenges of coexistence between Pokémon and people. Bruno used a unique Machamp in “Make Way for Magikarp” equipped with a power-absorbing belt, defeating Red’s Poli but later falling to Vee as a Jolteon. It reappeared in the HeartGold & SoulSilver arc for a Pokéathlon match against Gold.
Machamp played a role in battles, such as Chuck using it against Blue’s Rhydon in “Entranced by Entei” and Team Galactic Grunts employing multiple Machamp in “Tackling Tangrowth” and “Mixing It Up with Machamp”. Additionally, three Machamp appeared in a flashback in “Pinsir Glares”.
A Ride Machamp assisted Sun in “Thieving and Boss Crabominable” and later reappeared in “The Truth and Island Kahuna Hapu” and “Battle in Vast Poni Canyon”. Bea’s Machamp, capable of Gigantamaxing, made its debut in “Rumble!! The Horrific Darkest Day” where it battled Oleana’s Garbodor.
Pokémon Pocket Monsters
In “Catch That Pokémon Thief!!” Red and Green both possess a Machamp. Red’s Machamp is showcased during the episode, while Green’s is featured in “Fierce Competition at the Pokémon Baseball Tournament!!.”
Giovanni deployed a Machamp with the intention of eliminating Red, Clefairy, and Pikachu when they visited his amusement park in “The Thrill of a Perfect Score, Big Rampage at the Amusement Park!”.
Other appearences inslude:
- “Clefairy’s Under Training!!” (Bruno’s Machamp was featured in the Pokémon League)
- “Panic on the Luxury Liner?!”
- “Squirtle, the Crybaby Pokémon” (owned by Giovanni)
- “Team Rocket’s Downfall!!”
- “Pikachu’s Birthday Party”
- “Clefairy’s Pikachu Robot”
- “I Want to Become Popular!!” (owned by a boy)
- “Demanding Tests at the Pokémon School!” (participated in the challenges of the Pokémon School)
- “Pokémon Snowball Fight”
- “Food Battle”
- “Legend Of The Strongest Pokémon!!”
Machamp also appeared in the following Pokémon manga:
Pocket Monsters DP – in the sixteenth chapter of the Pocket Monsters DP manga, PMDP16.
Pocket Monsters HeartGold & SoulSilver Go! Go! Pokéathlon – a Machamp owned by competitor appeared.
Pocket Monsters HGSS – in the eighteenth chapter of the Pocket Monsters HGSS manga, PMHGSS18.
Pokémon Battle Frontier – in the episode ”Aim for the Top!” (battled against Enta).
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure! – in the episode ”Return to Hareta’s Home Forest!” (the reporter used a Machamp in a battle).
Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys – in the episode ”Let’s Aim For The Goal!” and ”Let’s Fight For The Future!!” (in a flashback).
Pokémon Gotta Catch ‘Em All – in the episode ”The Challenge at Celadon University!” (a Machamp participated in a battle against Shu) and GDZ45 (owned by Hinako).
Pokémon Ruby-Sapphire – in the episode ”Serious Bicycle Match!” (owned by Rydel’s rival).
Pokémon Zensho – in the fourth chapter of the Pokémon Zensho manga, PZ05 (Giovanni used it in the battle against Satoshi).
Game data
Game version | Location |
Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon Yellow | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon Crystal | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon FireRed and Pokémon LeafGreen | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon Emerald | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon Colosseum | Trade |
Pokémon XD | Trade |
Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon Platinum | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon Black | Trade |
Pokémon White | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 | Trade |
Pokémon X and Pokémon Y | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! And Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! | Evolve Machoke |
Pokémon Sword | Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, North Lake Miloch, Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness |
Pokémon Shield | Giant's Mirror, Dusty Bowl, North Lake Miloch, Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness |
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl | Evolve Machoke |
Legends Arceus | Arena's Approach |
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet | Unobtainable |
Machamp's origin name
English: In English, Machamp’s name is a combination of “macho” and “champion,” reflecting its strong and muscular appearance. In other languages:
Japanese (Japanese – カイリキー – Kairikī): The Japanese name “Kairikī” may be derived from 怪力 kairiki, meaning “superhuman strength” or “monstrous strength.”
French: In French, Machamp is called “Mackogneur,” combining “Mack” and “Cogneur.” “Mack” suggests power, and “Cogneur” means “puncher” or “striker.”
German: The German name is “Machomei,” merging “Macho” and “Meister.” “Macho” signifies strength, and “Meister” means “master,” forming “Master of Strength.”
Spanish: In Spanish, it is known as “Machamp,” retaining the English name.
Italian: The Italian name is “Machamp,” similar to the English name.
Korean (초크킹 – Chokeuking): In Korean, Machamp is referred to as “Chokeuking,” possibly derived from “Chokeu” meaning “strength” or “force,” and “King” indicating a powerful entity.
Chinese Mandarin (怪力 – Guàilì): The Mandarin Chinese name “Guàilì” translates to “strange strength” or “monstrous strength,” emphasizing its powerful nature.
Chinese Cantonese (Gwaai3 Lik6): In Cantonese Chinese, Machamp’s name is pronounced as “Gwaai3 Lik6,” with “Gwaai3” meaning “strange” and “Lik6” meaning “strength.”
These names across languages often highlight Machamp’s formidable physical prowess.