Lapras is a Water and Ice-type Pokémon known for its gentle nature and ability to ferry people across bodies of water on it s broad back. Lapras is highly intelligent and has been known to befriend humans and help them in various ways, such as providing transportation and assistance in rescue missions.
Physical Characteristics
Lapras is an aquatic Pokémon resembling a plesiosaur. Lapras possesses a streamlined body with a slightly rounded belly and a prominent, elongated neck that it often holds upright. Its body structure resembles that of a plesiosaur, an ancient marine reptile. Lapras’s body is predominantly a deep shade of blue, while its underside is cream-colored. The transition between these colors is usually gradual and seamless. This coloration aids in camouflage and blends well with its aquatic environment.
Positioned on its back is a large, flat shell reminiscent of a turtle’s carapace. The shell is typically darker in color than the rest of its body and is marked by multiple ridges running along its length. This shell provides protection from predators and serves as a stabilizing structure while Lapras swims.
Lapras has four flippers, each with distinct characteristics. Its larger, primary flippers are located on the sides of its body and are used primarily for propulsion and steering. Additionally, it has two smaller flippers positioned on its back, near the base of its neck, which aid in stability and maneuverability.
At the end of its long neck, Lapras sports a large and expressive head. Its eyes are relatively large and possess a gentle, almost empathetic expression. Its mouth contains rows of sharp teeth, indicating its carnivorous nature, but Lapras is known for its peaceful demeanor and is typically not aggressive.
Lapras is a large Pokémon, with adults typically reaching lengths of around 8 to 10 feet (2.4 to 3 meters) from head to tail. Its size contributes to its imposing presence in the water, making it an impressive sight to behold.
Overall, Lapras’s physical characteristics combine grace and power, reflecting its role as a gentle giant of the oceans. Its unique appearance has made it a beloved and iconic Pokémon among trainers and fans alike.
Lapras exhibits several interesting behaviors that reflect its gentle nature and its role as a guardian of the seas.
Lapras is known for its calm and gentle disposition. Despite its large size and formidable appearance, it is typically non-aggressive and prefers to avoid conflict whenever possible. This peaceful demeanor has earned Lapras the reputation of being a friend to humans and Pokémon alike.
Lapras is fiercely protective of its offspring and fellow members of its pod. It will go to great lengths to defend them from harm, even risking its own safety in the process. This protective behavior extends to other creatures in need, as Lapras has been known to rescue stranded sailors and Pokémon from perilous situations.
Lapras is a highly social Pokémon that forms strong bonds with its family and pod members. It communicates with others of its kind through a series of vocalizations and body language, allowing them to coordinate movements and activities while swimming in the ocean. Lapras is also known to form bonds with humans who treat it with kindness and respect.
Lapras is known to migrate over long distances, often traveling in large groups known as pods. These migrations are believed to be influenced by factors such as changes in water temperature, food availability, and the breeding cycle. Lapras’s ability to navigate across vast stretches of ocean demonstrates its intelligence and adaptability.
Despite its serene demeanor, Lapras also enjoys moments of playfulness. It can often be seen breaching the surface of the water or engaging in playful interactions with other Pokémon and sea creatures. This playful behavior helps to strengthen social bonds within the pod and provides opportunities for physical activity and mental stimulation.
Overall, Lapras’s behavior reflects its role as a benevolent guardian of the seas, characterized by its peaceful nature, protective instincts, social bonds, migration patterns, and occasional moments of playfulness.
Lapras is a unique Pokémon in that it does not evolve from or into any other species. It is a standalone Pokémon with no known evolutionary relatives or pre-evolutionary forms. As such, Lapras does not undergo any evolution throughout its lifespan.
Instead of evolving, Lapras is believed to be a species that has existed in its current form for a significant period of time. Its large, aquatic body and unique appearance suggest that it is well-adapted to its environment and has undergone little to no change over the course of its evolutionary history.
In the Pokémon world, Lapras is often portrayed as a rare and ancient Pokémon species that has been revered and respected by humans and other Pokémon for generations. Its lack of evolution further adds to its mystique and allure, as it remains a symbol of wisdom, strength, and guardianship in the oceans of the Pokémon world.
Gigantmax Evolution
In its Gigantamax form, Lapras’s body expands and elongates, becoming larger and more imposing. Its shell becomes more pronounced, resembling a massive iceberg floating atop the water. The fins on its back grow larger and more jagged, resembling icy spikes. Additionally, its horn grows longer and more prominent, and its eyes emit a glowing light.
Gigantamax Lapras’s most distinctive feature is the aurora-like effect that surrounds its body, giving it a majestic and ethereal appearance. This aurora effect is said to have a calming influence on those who witness it, reflecting Lapras’s reputation as a peaceful and gentle Pokémon.

In battle, Gigantamax Lapras gains access to a unique G-Max Move called G-Max Resonance. This powerful move not only deals damage to opponents but also sets up a Aurora Veil, which reduces the damage taken by Lapras and its allies for several turns.
Gigantamax Lapras is a formidable and awe-inspiring sight, embodying the majesty and power of the oceans in the Pokémon world.
Anime Main Appearances
Ash’s Lapras
Lapras debuted physically in ”The Lost Lapras”, when Ash rescued it from thugs and Team Rocket. Ash caught it and used it for travel in the Orange Archipelago. Later, in ”Viva Las Lapras”, he reunited it with its family. It led the herd in ”Lapras of Luxury”.
Lapras herd
In ”Viva Las Lapras”, Ash’s group locates Lapras’s school near Tarroco Island, but the Lapras there initially rejects Ash’s Lapras. After rescuing the school from poachers, Ash’s Lapras rejoins the herd.
In ”Lapras of Luxury”, Ash and his friends meet Lapras expert Naomi near New Bark Town and reunite with Ash’s Lapras and its herd during their migration. Ash’s Lapras becomes the herd’s leader after defeating Team Rocket, who try to capture them, before they continue their journey.
Lapras (Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky)
In ”Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky – Beyond Time & Darkness”, a Lapras guided Team Poképals across the Sea of Time.
Other appearences include episodes:
- “Holiday Hi-Jynx” (Lapras debuted under Santa Claus’s ownership, aiding Ash and friends in reuniting Jynx with Santa. It communicated via telepathy.)
- “Snorlax Snowman” (Two Lapras rescued Pikachu’s group when their ice boat collapsed.)
- “Putting the Air Back in Aerodactyl!” (Three Lapras responded to Crystal’s whistle.)
- “May, We Harley Drew’d Ya!” (Solidad showcased a Lapras in the Kanto Grand Festival’s Performance Stage and later in a two-on-two Contest Battle.)
- “Bonnie for the Defense!” (Three Lapras, including a young one cared for by Heidi, Kye, and Jay, were returned to the sea with Ash’s aid.)
- “Alola to New Adventure!” (Lana utilized a Poké Ride Lapras in thi episode. It returned in “So Long, Sophocles!” and “That New Old Gang of Mine!”.)
- “I Choose You!” (Verity’s Lapras helped ferry them across a lake.)
- “HZ025” (In a fantasy it was revealed as one of Lucius’s Pokémon, physically appearing in “HZ031”.)
Anime Minor Appearances
Lapras first appeared in “Who Gets to Keep Togepi?”. It was featured in Misty‘s imagination, envisioning the possible creature inside the Egg the group had obtained. In “Pikachu’s Vacation” Lapras made its first physical appearance at the Pokémon Theme Park.
In other various episodes, Lapras appeared:
- In “The Legend of Thunder!” featuring a Lapras parent and child.
- Angie used a Lapras in the Pokémon Summer Academy in “One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!”.
- Seen in ”Zoroark: Master of Illusions” and ”Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel”.
- Lapras was a Poké Ride option (”Partner Promises!”)and in a flashback with Lusamine, Gladion, and Lillie (”Mission: Total Recall!”).
- In ”Where Are You Going, Eevee?”, segment at the end of ”Lillier and the Staff!” Lapras was seen swimming in the ocean. In a flashback reappeared in ”We Know Where You’re Going, Eevee!”.
- Mew transformed into Lapras in “Enter Pikachu!” and appeared in “Grabbing the Brass Ring!”.
Multiple Lapras appeared in the following episodes:
- ”Celebi: The Voice of the Forest” and ”Pokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias” (in the opening intro)
- ”Nice Pryce Baby” (Pryce kept them at the Mahogany Gym)
- ”Best Wishes Until We Meet Again!”
- ”Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!”
- ”Yo, Ho, Ho! Go, Popplio!’ (Three Poké Ride Lapras)
- ”I Choose You!” (swimming in the ocean)
- ”Memories of a Warming Kindness!”
A Trainer’s Lapras appeared in the episodes:
- ”Dueling Heroes” (participated in the Whirl Cup)
- ”League Offenders and Defenders!”
- A Festival Reunion!.
- ”This Could be the Start of Something Big!” (battling Ash, also four wild Lapras appeared)
Manga Appearances
The Electric Tale of Pikachu
In “Play Misty For Me”, Misty was revealed to be the owner of a Lapras. During his time in the Orange Islands, Ash saved a Lapras from a swarm of Krabby and used it for transportation. Whether it was released afterwards is unknown.
Pokémon Adventures
In a flashback depicted in “Lapras Lazily”, Blue captured a wild Lapras and presented it to Evan, coinciding with the period when Red first confronted Giovanni.
Lapras plays a pivotal role in Pokémon Adventures as part of Pryce’s team. After losing two Lapras in an avalanche, Pryce becomes obsessed with time travel to save them. Eventually, with Celebi’s help, he reunites with his Lapras.
In ”The Last Battle XIII”, a Lapras joined the Pokémon sent to battle in Ilex Forest. Iris was shown with her Lapras in ”One Way or Another”. Sun uses a Ride Lapras for water travel, debuting in ”True Identity and Brooklet Hill’s Totem Pokémon”. Melony’s Gigantamax Lapras debuted in ”Swaying!! Murky Memories” during her Gym match with Hop.
Pokémon Pocket Monsters
In ”To the Pokémon League!!”, Lorelei was shown with a Lapras. Another Lapras appeared in ”Escape from Magma!?”.
Pokémon Zensho
In the sixth chapter of this manga, PZ07, Sabrina’s telepathic Lapras was revealed. After helping Sabrina defeat Giovanni, Satoshi received Lapras as a gift.
Lapras also appeared in the following Pokémon manga:
Magical Pokémon Journey – in ”Horsea’s Necklace”.
Pokémon Battle Frontier – in ”The Predestined Battle!” (owned by Spenser, the Frontier Brain and master of the Battle Frontier’s Battle Palace).
Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys – in ”Extreme Power!! The Friday Pokémon” and ”Get up Again, Bayleef”.
Pokémon Gotta Catch ‘Em All – in a flashback in GDZ33 (owned by a researcher).
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blazing Exploration Team – in BET5.
Pokémon + Nobunaga’s Ambition ~ Ranse’s Color Picture Scroll ~ – in ”The Scarlet Scroll: Kunoichi’s Situation” (owned by Mitsuhide, a Warlord in Pokémon Conquest).
Game data
Game version | Location |
Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue | Silph Co. (Saffron City) |
Pokémon Yellow | Silph Co. (Saffron City) |
Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver | Union Cave |
Pokémon Crystal | Union Cave |
Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire | Trade |
Pokémon FireRed and Pokémon LeafGreen | Silph Co. (Saffron City), Icefall Cave |
Pokémon Emerald | Trade |
Pokémon Colosseum | Trade |
Pokémon XD | Citadark Isle |
Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl | Victory Road |
Pokémon Platinum | Victory Road |
Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver | Union Cave, Safari Zone |
Pokémon Black and Pokémon White | Village Bridge |
Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 | Village Bridge |
Pokémon X and Pokémon Y | Route 12, Azure Bay, Friend Safari |
Pokémon Omega Rubya and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire | Trade |
Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon | Poni Wilds, Poké Pelago |
Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon | Poni Breaker Coast, Poké Pelago |
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee! | Routes 19 and 20, Silph Co. (Saffron City) |
Pokémon Sword | Routes 2 and 9, Lake of Outrage, North Lake Miloch, West Lake Axewell, Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl, East Lake Axewell, Giant's Cap, Giant's Mirror, Lake of Outrage, South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness, West Lake Axewell, Wild Area News |
Pokémon Shield | Routes 2 and 9, Lake of Outrage, North Lake Miloch, West Lake Axewell, Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl, East Lake Axewell, Giant's Cap, Giant's Mirror, Lake of Outrage, South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness, West Lake Axewell, Giant's Seat |
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl | Victory Road |
Legends Arceus | Unobtainable |
Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet | Trade |
Lapras's origin name
English: The name “Lapras” is derived from a combination of words, primarily “lap” and “lapse,” which likely refer to its gentle and serene nature, as well as its affinity for swimming in calm waters. Additionally, “lap” could also evoke the image of a person gently stroking the back of a Lapras as one would a beloved pet, emphasizing its gentle demeanor.
Japanese: In Japanese, Lapras is known as “ラプラス” (Rapurasu), which closely resembles its English name. The origin of the Japanese name is not explicitly stated, but it likely follows a similar line of thought as the English name.
French: In French, Lapras is called “Lokhlass.” The name seems to be a combination of “loch,” which refers to a lake in Scottish dialect, and “lass,” a term often associated with young girls. This name emphasizes Lapras’s association with water and its graceful, feminine appearance.
German: Lapras’s German name is “Lapras,” which closely mirrors its English name. This consistency in naming across languages helps maintain the Pokémon’s identity and recognition among international audiences.
Spanish: In Spanish, Lapras is known as “Lapras,” similar to its English and German names. This again highlights the consistency in naming across different language versions of the Pokémon games and media.
Italian: Lapras’s Italian name is “Lapras,” retaining the same phonetic structure as its English and German names. This consistency ensures that the Pokémon’s name is recognizable to Italian-speaking players and fans.
Korean: In Korean, Lapras is known as “라프라스” (Rapeuraseu), which closely resembles its Japanese name “Rapurasu.”
Chinese (Simplified): In Simplified Chinese, Lapras is written as “拉普拉斯” (Lāpǔlāsī), which phonetically resembles its Japanese name.
Chinese (Traditional): In Traditional Chinese, Lapras is also written as “拉普拉斯” (Lāpǔlāsī), maintaining consistency with the Simplified Chinese version.
Overall, while the specific origins of Lapras’s name in different languages may vary, they generally reflect the Pokémon’s characteristics, such as its association with water and its gentle demeanor.