Flying type

In the Pokémon world, Flying-type is one of the eighteen elemental Pokémon types that Pokémon and their moves can have.
Flying-type Pokémon are renowned for their aerial prowess and diverse range of species.
The Flying type encompasses a broad spectrum of Pokémon, including iconic avian creatures like Pidgeot, Fearow, and Talonflame, as well as legendary beings like Ho-Oh and Rayquaza. This diversity offers trainers various options for team composition and strategy.
Many Flying type Pokémon possess dual typings, combining Flying with other elemental types such as Normal, Psychic, or Dragon. This dual nature enhances their versatility in battles but also introduces additional weaknesses to exploit.
Flying type characteristics
Flying type Pokémon possess several strengths and weaknesses in battles, making them both versatile and vulnerable depending on the situation.
Flying type Pokémon are immune to all Ground-type moves, including Earthquake and Magnitude, which gives them a significant advantage against Ground-type opponents. Flying types resist Bug, Fighting, and Grass-type moves, reducing the damage taken from attacks of these types and allowing them to withstand hits more effectively.
Many Flying type Pokémon have high Speed stats, enabling them to outspeed opponents and strike first in battle, giving them a strategic advantage. Flying type Pokémon have access to a wide range of powerful aerial moves such as Brave Bird, Hurricane, and Aerial Ace, which are often associated with high damage output and accuracy.
Flying type Pokémon are weak to Electric, Ice, and Rock-type moves, making them vulnerable to attacks such as Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, and Rock Slide.
These weaknesses can be exploited by opponents to deal significant damage. Flying type Pokémon are also vulnerable to attacks from other Flying types, especially those with strong Flying moves. This vulnerability requires careful consideration when facing off against opponents with Flying type Pokémon.
While Flying types may have resistance to certain types, they often have lower defensive stats compared to other types, leaving them susceptible to powerful physical or special attacks if not properly trained or supported.
Many Flying type Pokémon have dual typings, which may introduce additional weaknesses depending on their secondary type. For example, Flying/Fighting types are doubly weak to Electric moves, and Flying/Ice types are doubly weak to Rock moves.
Understanding these strengths and weaknesses is crucial for trainers to effectively utilize Flying type Pokémon in battles and to formulate strategies that mitigate their vulnerabilities while capitalizing on their strengths.
Flying type chart

Flying type Pokémon boast a wide array of powerful moves tailored to their aerial prowess. These include signature moves like Brave Bird, Sky Attack, and Roost, as well as versatile options like Air Slash and Hurricane, known for their high damage output and accuracy.
Flying type Pokémon are prominent in competitive battles, prized for their speed, offensive capabilities, and ability to provide both offensive and defensive coverage. They often feature prominently in teams across various formats, from singles to doubles and beyond.
Flying type Pokémon frequently play significant roles in Gym battles and Elite Four challenges. Notable examples include Gym Leaders like Falkner and Skyla, as well as Elite Four members such as Winona and Drasna.
Flying type moves
Flying-type moves are known for their aerial nature and are often associated with speed and precision. These Flying-type moves offer a range of options for Flying-type Pokémon to excel in battles, whether through sheer power, precision, or strategic support. Trainers often consider move sets carefully to maximize their Pokémon’s effectiveness in combat situations.
Concluding with Generation IX, there are total 31 Flying-type moves, comprising 3.32% of all moves (excluding situational Flying-type moves). This places Flying alongside Ground and Dragon as the second rarest move type, with Rock being the rarest.
Before Generation IV alterations, all offensive Flying-type moves were physical, but now they can be special based on the attack. Additionally, certain moves have undergone type adjustments.
Move | Category | Contest | Power | PP | Accuracy | Generation |
Drill Peck | Physical | Cool | 80 | 20 (max 32) | 100% | I |
Fly | Physical | Clever | 90 | 15 (max 24) | 95% | I |
Gust | Special | Clever | 40 | 35 (max 56) | 100% | I |
Mirror Move | Status | Clever | — | 20 (max 32) | —% | I |
Peck | Physical | Cool | 35 | 35 (max 56) | 100% | I |
Sky Attack | Physical | Cool | 140 | 5 (max 8) | 90% | I |
Wing Attack | Physical | Cool | 60 | 35 (max 56) | 100% | I |
Aeroblast | Special | Cool | 100 | 5 (max 8) | 95% | II |
Aerial Ace | Physical | Cool | 60 | 20 (max 32) | —% | III |
Air Cutter | Special | Cool | 60 | 25 (max 40) | 95% | III |
Bounce | Physical | Cute | 85 | 5 (max 8) | 85% | III |
Feather Dance | Status | Beautiful | — | 15 (max 24) | 100% | III |
Air Slash | Special | Cool | 75 | 15 (max 24) | 95% | IV |
Brave Bird | Physical | Cool | 120 | 15 (max 24) | 100% | IV |
Chatter | Special | Cute | 65 | 20 (max 32) | 100% | IV |
Defog | Status | Cool | — | 15 (max 24) | —% | IV |
Pluck | Physical | Cute | 60 | 20 (max 32) | 100% | IV |
Roost | Status | Clever | — | 10 (max 16) | —% | IV |
Tailwind | Status | Cool | — | 15 (max 24) | —% | IV |
Acrobatics | Physical | Cool | 55 | 15 (max 24) | 100% | V |
Hurricane | Special | Tough | 110 | 10 (max 16) | 70% | V |
Sky Drop | Physical | Tough | 60 | 10 (max 16) | 100% | V |
Dragon Ascent | Physical | Beautiful | 120 | 5 (max 8) | 100% | VI |
Oblivion Wing | Special | Cool | 80 | 10 (max 16) | 100% | VI |
Beak Blast | Physical | 100 | 15 (max 24) | 100% | VII | |
Floaty Fall | Physical | 90 | 15 (max 24) | 95% | VII | |
Supersonic Skystrike | Physical | — | 1 (max 1) | —% | VII | |
Supersonic Skystrike | Special | — | 1 (max 1) | —% | VII | |
Bleakwind Storm | Special | 100 | 10 (max 16) | 80% | VIII | |
Dual Wingbeat | Physical | 40 | 10 (max 16) | 90% | VIII | |
G-Max Wind Rage | Physical | — | 3 (max 4) | —% | VIII | |
G-Max Wind Rage | Special | — | 3 (max 4) | —% | VIII | |
Max Airstream | Physical | — | 3 (max 4) | —% | VIII | |
Max Airstream | Special | — | 3 (max 4) | —% | VIII |
Flying type abilities
Flying-type Pokémon possess a variety of abilities that complement their aerial nature and enhance their effectiveness in battles. Here are some notable Flying-type abilities commonly associated with Flying-type Pokémon:
Levitate: This ability grants immunity to Ground-type moves and the Arena Trap ability, effectively giving Flying-type Pokémon a pseudo-immunity to Ground attacks. Pokémon with Levitate float above the ground, making them immune to moves like Earthquake and Spikes.
Big Pecks: This ability prevents the Defense stat from being lowered by opposing Pokémon’s moves or abilities. It ensures that Flying-type Pokémon maintain their defensive capabilities and resist stat reduction effects, enhancing their durability in battles.
Keen Eye: Flying-type Pokémon with this ability cannot have their accuracy reduced by opposing Pokémon’s moves or abilities. This ensures that their attacks consistently hit their targets, regardless of accuracy-lowering effects such as Sand Attack or Mud-Slap.
Gale Wings: Exclusive to certain Flying-type Pokémon, Gale Wings gives priority to Flying-type moves when the user’s HP is full or at maximum. This ability allows Flying-type Pokémon to strike first with their Flying-type moves, giving them an advantage in speed-based strategies.
Aerilate: Another exclusive ability, Aerilate, converts Normal-type moves used by the Pokémon into Flying-type moves and boosts their power. This ability effectively enhances the offensive capabilities of Flying-type Pokémon by granting them access to powerful Flying-type STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) moves.
Delta Stream: An ability that creates strong winds that negate the effectiveness of super-effective moves against Flying-type Pokémon and removes the effects of weather conditions like rain, hail, and sandstorm. This ability provides Flying-type Pokémon with additional protection against common weaknesses and weather-based strategies.
No Guard: While not exclusive to Flying-type Pokémon, some Flying-type Pokémon may have the No Guard ability, which ensures that all moves used by the Pokémon and its opponents always hit, regardless of accuracy or evasion modifiers. This ability can be strategically advantageous for ensuring the accuracy of powerful moves.
These Flying-type abilities contribute to the versatility and effectiveness of Flying-type Pokémon in battles, allowing them to capitalize on their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses with strategic ability selection and utilization.

Flying type Pokémon Trainers
Flying-type Pokémon Trainers are specialized trainers who focus on raising and battling with Pokémon of the Flying type. These trainers often have teams composed of various avian and aerial-themed Pokémon, showcasing the diversity and power of Flying-type species.
They have an in-depth understanding of the strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities of Flying-type Pokémon, allowing them to formulate effective strategies in battles. Flying-type Pokémon Trainers often have teams consisting of Pokémon that are birds or possess wings, such as Pidgeot, Staraptor, Talonflame, and Dragonite. Their teams may also include legendary Flying-type Pokémon like Lugia or Tornadus, showcasing their dedication to the aerial theme.
Flying-type Pokémon Trainers are known for their versatility in battles. Flying-type Pokémon often have diverse move pools, allowing Trainers to adapt to various battle situations and counter different types of opponents effectively.
Flying-type Pokémon Trainers may have an environmental advantage in battles that take place in aerial or open environments. Their Pokémon can freely take advantage of their flight abilities, maneuvering around the battlefield to gain positional advantages and evade attacks.
In Pokémon games, Flying-type Pokémon Trainers may appear as Gym Leaders or Elite Four members, specializing in Flying-type Pokémon. They present challenges to aspiring Trainers, testing their skills in aerial battles and rewarding them with badges or accolades upon victory.
Notable Flying–type Pokémon Trainers are:

The Gym Leader of Violet City’s Gym
Generation II, IV
Falkner is the Violet City Gym Leader in the Johto region. He specializes in Flying-type Pokémon and is the first Gym Leader encountered by Trainers in the Johto journey. His team typically consists of Pokémon like Pidgey and Pidgeotto, showcasing the early stages of Flying-type evolution lines.

The Gym Leader of Fortree City’s Gym
Generation III, IV
Winona is the Fortree City Gym Leader in the Hoenn region. She specializes in Flying-type Pokémon and is known for her mastery of aerial battles. Her team includes Pokémon like Pelipper and Skarmory, representing a mix of dual-typing and strategic diversity.

Cargo pilot and the Gym Leader of Mistralton City’s Gym
Generation V
Skyla is the Mistralton City Gym Leader in the Unova region. She is passionate about Flying-type Pokémon and operates an airport alongside her Gym duties. Skyla’s team often features Pokémon like Swanna and Swoobat, demonstrating a blend of elegance and strength in aerial combat.

Member of the Alola Elite Four and previous Island Challenge Champion
Generation VII
Kahili is a notable Flying-type Pokémon Trainer from the Alola region. She is a skilled golfer and a member of the Alola Elite Four. Kahili’s team comprises Flying-type Pokémon like Toucannon and Oricorio, showcasing the unique regional variants and tropical diversity of Alolan Pokémon.

Businessman, the Gym Leader of Medali’s Gym, member of Paldea’s Elite Four.
Generation II, IV
Larry is a prominent businessman who serves both as the Gym Leader of Medali’s Gym, officially known as the Medali Gym, and as a member of Paldea’s Elite Four. Specializing in Flying-type Pokémon, Larry’s training and strategic prowess make him a formidable opponent for Trainers seeking to challenge the Pokémon League. As both a Gym Leader and an Elite Four member, Larry plays a crucial role in shaping the Pokémon battles and experiences of Trainers in the Paldea region.
Each of these Flying-type Pokémon Trainers brings their own style, challenges, and strategies to battles, showcasing the diversity and versatility of Flying-type Pokémon in the Pokémon world.
Flying type Pokémon
Flying type Pokémon offer trainers a diverse and formidable array of options for both competitive battles and casual play. Their aerial prowess, wide movepool, and strategic advantages make them a valuable asset in any Pokémon trainer’s arsenal.
Pokedex No | Pokémon picture | Pokemon name | Type |
#0006 | ![]() | Charizard | FIRE FLYING |
#0006 | Mega Charizard Y | FIRE FLYING | |
#0012 | ![]() | Butterfree | BUG FLYING |
#0016 | ![]() | Pidgey | NORMAL FLYING |
#0017 | ![]() | Pidgeotto | NORMAL FLYING |
#0018 | ![]() | Pidgeot | NORMAL FLYING |
#0018 | Mega Pidgeot | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0021 | ![]() | Spearow | NORMAL FLYING |
#0022 | ![]() | Fearow | NORMAL FLYING |
#0041 | ![]() | Zubat | POISON FLYING |
#0042 | ![]() | Golbat | POISON FLYING |
#0083 | ![]() | Farfetch'd | NORMAL FLYING |
#0084 | ![]() | Doduo | NORMAL FLYING |
#0085 | ![]() | Dodrio | NORMAL FLYING |
#0123 | ![]() | Scyther | BUG FLYING |
#0127 | ![]() | Mega Pinsir | BUG FLYING |
#0130 | ![]() | Gyarados | WATER FLYING |
#0142 | ![]() | Aerodactyl | ROCK FLYING |
#0142 | ![]() | Mega Aerodactyl | ROCK FLYING |
#0144 | ![]() | Articuno | ICE FLYING |
#0144 | ![]() | Galarian Articuno | PSYCHIC FLYING |
#0145 | ![]() | Zapdos | ELECTRIC FLYING |
#0145 | ![]() | Galarian Zapdos | FIGHTING FLYING |
#0146 | ![]() | Moltres | FIRE FLYING |
#0146 | ![]() | Galarian Moltres | DARK FLYING |
#0149 | ![]() | Dragonite | DRAGON FLYING |
#0163 | Hoothoot | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0164 | Noctowl | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0165 | Ledyba | BUG FLYING | |
#0166 | Ledian | BUG FLYING | |
#0169 | Crobat | POISON FLYING | |
#0176 | Togetic | FAIRY FLYING | |
#0177 | Natu | PSYCHIC FLYING | |
#0178 | Xatu | PSYCHIC FLYING | |
#0187 | Hoppip | GRASS FLYING | |
#0188 | Skiploom | GRASS FLYING | |
#0189 | Jumpluff | GRASS FLYING | |
#0193 | Yanma | BUG FLYING | |
#0198 | Murkrow | DARK FLYING | |
#0207 | Gligar | GROUND FLYING | |
#0225 | Delibird | ICE FLYING | |
#0226 | Mantine | WATER FLYING | |
#0227 | Skarmory | STEEL FLYING | |
#0249 | Lugia | PSYCHIC FLYING | |
#0250 | Ho-oh | FIRE FLYING | |
#0267 | Beautifly | BUG FLYING | |
#0276 | Taillow | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0277 | Swellow | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0278 | Wingull | WATER FLYING | |
#0279 | Pelipper | WATER FLYING | |
#0284 | Masquerain | BUG FLYING | |
#0291 | Ninjask | BUG FLYING | |
#0333 | Swablu | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0334 | Altaria | DRAGON FLYING | |
#0357 | Tropius | GRASS FLYING | |
#0373 | Salamence | DRAGON FLYING | |
#0373 | Mega Salamence | DRAGON FLYING | |
#0384 | Rayquaza | DRAGON FLYING | |
#0384 | Mega Rayquaza | DRAGON FLYING | |
#0396 | Starly | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0397 | Staravia | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0398 | Staraptor | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0414 | Mothim | BUG FLYING | |
#0415 | Combee | BUG FLYING | |
#0416 | Vespiquen | BUG FLYING | |
#0425 | Drifloon | GHOST FLYING | |
#0426 | Drifblim | GHOST FLYING | |
#0430 | Honchkrow | DARK FLYING | |
#0441 | Chatot | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0458 | Mantyke | WATER FLYING | |
#0468 | Togekiss | FAIRY FLYING | |
#0469 | Yanmega | BUG FLYING | |
#0472 | Gliscor | GROUND FLYING | |
#0479 | Rotom (Fan Rotom) | ELECTRIC FLYING | |
#0492 | Shaymin (Sky Forme) | GRASS FLYING | |
#0519 | Pidove | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0520 | Tranquill | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0521 | Unfezant | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0527 | Woobat | PSYCHIC FLYING | |
#0528 | Swoobat | PSYCHIC FLYING | |
#0561 | Sigilyph | PSYCHIC FLYING | |
#0566 | Archen | ROCK FLYING | |
#0567 | Archeops | ROCK FLYING | |
#0580 | Ducklett | WATER FLYING | |
#0581 | Swanna | WATER FLYING | |
#0587 | Emolga | ELECTRIC FLYING | |
#0627 | Rufflet | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0628 | Braviary | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0628 | Hisuian Braviary | PSYCHIC FLYING | |
#0629 | Vullaby | DARK FLYING | |
#0630 | Mandibuzz | DARK FLYING | |
#0641 | Tornadus (Incarnate Forme) | FLYING | |
#0641 | Tornadus (Therian Forme) | FLYING | |
#0642 | Thundurus (Incarnate Forme) | ELECTRIC FLYING | |
#0642 | Thundurus (Therian Forme) | ELECTRIC FLYING | |
#0645 | Landorus (Incarnate Forme) | GROUND FLYING | |
#0645 | Landorus (Therian Forme) | GROUND FLYING | |
#0661 | Fletchling | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0662 | Fletchinder | FIRE FLYING | |
#0663 | Talonflame | FIRE FLYING | |
#0666 | Vivillon | BUG FLYING | |
#0701 | Hawlucha | FIGHTING FLYING | |
#0714 | Noibat | FLYING DRAGON | |
#0715 | Noivern | FLYING DRAGON | |
#0717 | Yveltal | DARK FLYING | |
#0722 | Rowlet | GRASS FLYING | |
#0723 | Dartrix | GRASS FLYING | |
#0731 | Pikipek | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0732 | Trumbeak | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0733 | Toucannon | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0741 | Oricorio (Baile Style) | FIRE FLYING | |
#0741 | Oricorio (Pom-Pom Style) | ELECTRIC FLYING | |
#0741 | Oricorio (Pa'u Style) | PSYCHIC FLYING | |
#0741 | Oricorio (Sensu Style) | GHOST FLYING | |
#0774 | Minior (Meteor Form) | ROCK FLYING | |
#0774 | Minior (Core Form) | ROCK FLYING | |
#0797 | Celesteela | STEEL FLYING | |
#0821 | Rookidee | FLYING | |
#0822 | Corvisquire | FLYING | |
#0823 | Corviknight | FLYING STEEL | |
#0845 | Cramorant | FLYING WATER | |
#0905 | Enamorus (Incarnate Forme) | FAIRY FLYING | |
#0905 | Enamorus (Therian Forme) | FAIRY FLYING | |
#0931 | Squawkabilly (Green Plumage) | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0931 | Squawkabilly (Blue Plumage) | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0931 | Squawkabilly (Yellow Plumage) | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0931 | Squawkabilly (White Plumage) | NORMAL FLYING | |
#0940 | Wattrel | ELECTRIC FLYING | |
#0941 | Kilowattrel | ELECTRIC FLYING | |
#0962 | Bombirdier | FLYING DARK | |
#0973 | Flamigo | FLYING FIGHTING | |
#0993 | Iron Jugulis | DARK FLYING |
Flying type Pokémon offer trainers a diverse and formidable array of options for both competitive battles and casual play. Their aerial prowess, wide movepool, and strategic advantages make them a valuable asset in any Pokémon trainer’s arsenal.